Academic Ad Hoc Request Form
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If you are requesting an event that requires any support services or equipment, please submit via the Event Reservation Request form so that necessary details are communicated. Thank you!
Support services include all services provided by Facilities Services, Middlebury or non-college catering, Media Services, or Public Safety (building unlock outside regular open hours).
This form is only for course-related Academic Ad Hoc activities as outlined on the Course Scheduling website. These include:
- Review sessions
- Non-final exam requests (weekly and midterm exams)
- Additional film screenings
- Library and technology course-based workshops
- Tutoring and T.A. help sessions
- Additional room requests that are directly related to a course
Course Scheduling provides scheduling for academic courses and their needs that fall within their original course time, are related to the course, and the entire regular attendance is included.
This is a shared user environment. Please be kind to your fellow users and refrain from “starring” (favoriting) anything. Thank you!