5/6/24 Update on Encampment and Campus Protests
President Laurie L. Patton sent the following message to the campus community on May 6.
Dear Middlebury Community,
I write with an update to my letter of Friday, May 3. Members of our community have met over the weekend with a focus on building a shared sense of educational purpose and ongoing dialogue. In the engagement between students and administration, we have emphasized what we have in common, committing to maintaining relationships across difference and creating constructive venues for present and future conversations.
Students, administrators, and faculty notetakers met on Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5. We finalized this document, titled “A Commitment to Common Educational Values,” this morning. As stated in the preamble, we still disagree about many fundamental issues, but we share concerns for the devastating effects of the violence in Israel and Gaza on educational opportunity for all in the region. The document is future-oriented, outlining pathways for fruitful deliberation at Middlebury on the profoundly painful issues that the violence raises.
The students are taking down their encampment with an expressed hope that such open debate can continue, and with a commitment to a safe and joyful graduation.
It is worth noting at this moment that Middlebury has a strong practice of dialogue that has led to some of our most transformative initiatives. Energy2028 was the result of years of difficult but faithful meetings between administrators, students, faculty, and board members. They deeply disagreed but remained at the table. As contexts changed, but people stayed committed, Middlebury was able to come up with a creative and comprehensive approach to climate change. Inspired by that example, at this historical moment we hope we can foster transformative learning in relationship, and a creative approach to our differences.
“The Commitment to Common Educational Values” is only part of our ongoing work on one of the most challenging issues of our time. Throughout this process some members of our community have been impacted differently than others. We owe everyone in this community care and attention, and we have a responsibility to recognize and respond to varied experiences. This is the way we build a shared sense of a Middlebury community.
We hold a deep belief that a Middlebury education can open minds and hearts.
In witness to possibility,
Laurie L. Patton