New York Times: Economic Toll of Los Angeles Fires Goes Far Beyond Destroyed Homes
Assistant Professor of Economics Raphaelle Gauvin-Coulombe speaks about her research on the economic impacts of fires on surrounding communities.
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Assistant Professor of Economics Raphaelle Gauvin-Coulombe speaks about her research on the economic impacts of fires on surrounding communities.
George Matthew Jr. has embarked on a project to play all the national anthems represented in the Middlebury student body—around 70 in total.
Middlebury College will support two important local initiatives, including a project to increase local housing supply and a renovation of the Ilsley Public Library. (Subscription required)
Middlebury economics professors Tanya Byker and Julia Berazneva describe their research on the health costs of environmental degradation.
An analysis by Peter Slezkine, co-director of the Monterey Trialogue at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, arguing for the United States to abandon liberal universalism and align foreign-policy objectives within the current structure.
An exhibition curated by art professor Katy Smith Abbott at the College’s museum explores the idea of “awe,” where it comes from and how we experience it.
A new book by Middlebury philosophy professor Lorraine Besser explores the value of finding ‘the interesting’ and incorporating it into our daily lives.
Vermont Public interviewed Middlebury alumna and writer-in-residence Julia Alvarez ’71 in advance of the new PBS documentary: “Julia Alvarez: A Life Reimagined.”
Bill McKibben, Middlebury’s Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies, writes about an innovative nonprofit in Vermont that creates pollinator habitat in solar fields.
Middlebury sophomore Addie Lentzner represented Vermont at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.