Log-rolling Club Spins to Victory at Maryland Tournament

Ben Barrett and Jack Allnutt compete with each other for first and second place in the men’s division.
MIDDLEBURY, Vt. – Middlebury’s student log-rollers found themselves in many precarious positions last week, yet dominated their rivals at a tournament held at the University of Maryland’s Eppley Recreation Center on Nov. 18.
Students Tricia Nelsen ’19, Sarah Howard ’19, and Jenny Melcher ’19 took the top three spots respectively in the women’s division while Ben Barrett ’20.5 and Jack Allnutt ’20.5 finished first and second in men’s. Coach Danielle Rougeau placed second in the staff/alumni division.
“The tournament was a complete blast and everyone had an amazing time competing in their first log rolling tournament,” said Howard. “We’re hoping to bring that energy back to the rest of the Midd rollers and to get even more people involved next time.”
The tournament was one of three collegiate events organized by Key Log Rolling, a Wisconsin-based company founded by Middlebury alumna Abby Hoeschler Delaney ’10. The company makes polyethylene logs for tournaments and hopes to expand the sport into more markets.
Middlebury’s club competed against log-rollers from the University of Maryland, University of Texas at Dallas, George Mason University, James Madison University, Loyola University Maryland, and Longwood University.
Read more about the tournament and watch a video clip in a Baltimore Sun story.