Study Abroad Spotlight: Oxford
MIDDLEBURY, Vt. – In the latest of our Study Abroad Spotlight series, which features students describing their experiences at one of Middlebury’s Schools Abroad, students Prasanna Vankina and Sage Taber talk about the School in Oxford. The program, known as Middlebury-CMRS, is affiliated with Keble College, one of the largest colleges at Oxford.
Earlier this year, the Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad office launched a project aimed at capturing the essence of study abroad as seen through the eyes of students.
Students studying at several different Middlebury sites agreed to shoot video of their experiences with their phones and upload the footage to shared folders at the College. Middlebury’s video team then blended the footage with interviews of the students when they returned to campus to create a series of video snapshots.
For More Information
Middlebury-CMRS Oxford Humanities Program
Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad