Carlos Vélez Appointed Interim Dean of International Programs

Carlos Vélez, professor of psychology, has been named interim dean of international programs starting January 1, 2018.
MIDDLEBURY, VT. – Professor of Psychology Carlos Vélezhas been appointed interim dean of international programs for an 18-month term. Vélez replaces Jeff Cason, who has been appointed interim provost.
Vélez joined the Middlebury Psychology Department in 1993. His research focuses primarily on social, cognitive, and personality predictors of alcohol use and sexual behavior among college students. He is also interested in understanding the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional antecedents and consequence of racial and ethnic prejudice and stereotyping.
Vélez has served for many years on Middlebury’s School in Spain’s faculty advisory board, and has visited the School in Spain twice in that capacity. He also chaired the Psychology Department for many years, was a Posse mentor, served on faculty council, including as secretary/chair, and chaired the Institutional Review Board.
During this interim period, Steven Snyder will also take on additional duties, becoming interim vice president for academic affairs and dean of the Language Schools. A member of the Japanese department since 2005, Snyder has served as dean of the Language Schools since 2014.
“I am grateful to both Steve and Carlos for agreeing to take on these new and vital responsibilities,” said President Laurie Patton in a campus-wide email. “We also appreciate the willingness of the Psychology Department to adjust to this quick transition, and wanted to acknowledge their flexibility.”