Video: Class Creates Bauhaus-Inspired Art
The Bauhaus (1919–1933) was an experimental school, a modern laboratory for artistic innovation. It is also the focus of a course this semester taught by Professor Erin Sassin in the History of Art and Architecture Department in advance of an exhibition opening in February titled Weimar, Dessau, Berlin: The Bauhaus as School and Laboratory.
Middlebury News dropped in on the class late in the semester when students were working on exercises that were part of the preliminary course at the Bauhaus.
“The preliminary course had three different iterations over the lifetime of the Bauhaus,” explains Sabarsky Graduate Fellow Sarah Briggs ’14, who was leading the project in the Mahaney Arts Center. Those iterations were taught by three different Bauhaus master artists.
The museum’s exhibition, which opens February 7, “considers not only the Bauhaus’s far-reaching influence on the practice and teaching of art, design, and architecture, but also its enormous social and political impacts.”