Assessment Projects
Assessment is a critical step in institutional improvement.
At Middlebury, we have ongoing assessment projects in the areas of student learning and the working and learning environment on campus.
Assessment Committee
Recognizing that there is increasing interest across the campus in identifying and assessing broad learning goals, and recognizing furthermore that faculty input into those assessment plans and decisions is critical, the Educational Affairs Committee has created an ad hoc Committee on Assessment. The ad hoc committee is charged with advising the vice president for planning and assessment on institutional priorities for and approaches to assessment. The committee reports back to the EAC at least once per semester.
Learning Goals for Majors
Undergraduate departments and programs have established learning goals for all majors at Middlebury.
New England Consortium on Student Learning
Middlebury is a participant in the Teagle-funded New England Consortium on Student Learning (NECASL). This study assesses how students learn and make decisions regarding their academic programs.
Surveys and Reports
We are involved with numerous surveys of Middlebury students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents. Results from these surveys help inform the administration, faculty, and staff about key issues.