Shannon Lyford image
26 Blinn Lane, Office 203
(802) 443-5082

Shannon’s role with the CCE focuses on supporting and strengthening the CCE’s connections with youth-serving organizations and local school systems, in addition to advising and supporting 6 Community Engagement Organizations (CEOs) that work with youth in the community in a variety of capacities from 1:1 mentoring, group programming with teens, food and cooking programs, in-school literacy programming, and college access mentoring. Shannon also leads the CCE’s communications team, coordinating the CCE’s weekly newsletter, social media, blog, and other communications efforts. You can also find Shannon teaching the Community-Connected Learning course.

With a Bachelor’s of Social Work and a Master of Public Policy, Shannon brings her experience of human behavior and relationships, community building, social change, and public/political systems into her work. Shannon’s career has largely focused on youth development and non-profit development, including program evaluation and grant-writing. Shannon has previously worked with the Boys & Girls Club National Headquarters in Atlanta, GA, Georgia State University, and The DREAM Program, Inc. in Vermont.

Originally from the suburbs of Atlanta, GA, Shannon has lived in Vermont since 2017. In her free time, Shannon enjoys binging tv shows, hanging out with her 2 cats, hiking, mushroom hunting, skiing, and playing board and video games.