| by Derek Doucet


Dear Students,

We hope you had a successful end of the semester and are looking forward to some well-earned rest. While we understand and regret that the change in the start date for winter term will be difficult for some, we are nonetheless eagerly anticipating your return to campus. We are writing with important information about the arrival process so you can plan accordingly.  

Important: Do not come to campus if you are experiencing any  https://eml-pusa01.app.blackbaud.net/intv2/j/ADA6E4D1-1C62-4C3A-828A-7647466F1597/r/ADA6E4D1-1C62-4C3A-828A-7647466F1597_6c940ed9-8600-4939-b889-ff891bd33c3f/l/54F33108-586B-41EC-92BD-9CD69EE637B1/c

Click to follow link.”>COVID-19-like symptoms, or you are  https://eml-pusa01.app.blackbaud.net/intv2/j/ADA6E4D1-1C62-4C3A-828A-7647466F1597/r/ADA6E4D1-1C62-4C3A-828A-7647466F1597_6c940ed9-8600-4939-b889-ff891bd33c3f/l/884D9CB5-4F95-4484-8C38-05696B10692C/c

Click to follow link.”>exposed to someone who you know or believe has COVID-19, or you have tested positive for COVID-19 within 10 days prior to your arrival date. 

If you are experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms, call a local healthcare provider, access MiddTelehealth, or contact Health Services after they open on January 3 at 802-443-3290 to be screened and to seek care.  

Planning Your Arrival 

Following is essential information for winter term arrival on campus:

  • Residence halls open at noon on January 8.
  • Students must arrive on either January 8 or January 9 between noon and 8 p.m. Earlier returns are not permitted and cannot be approved at this time. Students who are pre-approved for other arrival days for specific programs will receive separate instructions from their coaches or program leaders.
  • You must book your arrival appointment in advance using the Winter Term Arrival FormYour ID card will be deactivated at the end of the testing day if you do not attend your designated testing appointment, unless you follow the late arrival instructions below. 
  • If you anticipate arriving on campus after 8:00 p.m.on your designated arrival day, please update your submission via the Winter Term 2022 Late Arrival Notification Form.  Do not call or email to change your appointment.
  • Students moving to campus for the first time this academic year will be checked into their rooms starting at noon on their arrival day. Room codes will become visible in the housing portal at that time.

Prearrival PCR Test Requirement

All students, (except those who have recovered from COVID-19 after testing positive for the virus within the 90 days before arrival) regardless of vaccination status, are required to provide proof of a negative PCR test (also known as a nucleic acid amplification test or NAAT) that was administered within three days of your arrival. Antigen tests are not NAATs and are not valid pre-arrival tests. 

Paper copies of your negative test results are preferred. If you are unable to provide a paper copy, you may show an electronic one. Documentation must be presented at the Arrival Center in Virtue Fieldhouse or to your coach or program leader, if you are pre-approved for another arrival day.

If your prearrival test results are delayed, you must show documentation that you took a PCR test within three days of your arrival. You will be required to enter room quarantine until you receive a negative test result from your prearrival test or your on-campus arrival test, whichever result you receive first.  

Students who have recovered from COVID-19 after testing positive for the virus in the 90 days before arrival on campus are not subject to testing or quarantine requirements. These students must upload documentation of their positive test from the previous 90 days to the student health portal and bring this documentation in lieu of a negative PCR test result upon arrival at the Arrival Center in Virtue Fieldhouse. 

What to Expect at the Arrival Testing Center

All students are required to come to the arrival testing center in Virtue Fieldhouse as their first stop on campus. At the arrival testing center you will: 

  • Show proof of a negative PCR test taken within three days of your arrival or documentation that you have recovered from COVID-19 within the previous 90 days. 
  • If your prearrival test results are delayed, you must show documentation that you took a PCR test within three days of your arrival.
  • Take your required arrival PCR test. If you have recovered from COVID-19 within the past 90 days, you must upload documentation of your positive test result to the student health portal, as stated above, and present documentation of your positive test result at the arrival center. 

Late Arrivals, Travel Delays or Complications

If you know now that you will arrive after the testing center closes on your arrival day, complete the late arrival form to let us know your plans. While arrivals later than January 9 are strongly discouraged, if you have no alternative, complete the late arrival form.

If you experience travel delays while in transit and anticipate arriving after the testing center closes, call our arrival information line at 802-443-5055 and complete the late arrival form to update us on your arrival plans. 

If the arrival center has closed when you arrive on campus, proceed directly to your room and quarantine there. Students in room quarantine are allowed to leave their rooms only to use bathrooms and to pick up grab-and-go meals and for testing at the arrival center. Review the quarantine release parameters below to determine which apply to you: 

If you have a negative prearrival PCR test result

  • The morning after your late arrival, proceed directly to the testing center when it opens (noon on January 9 and 9 a.m. on January 10), submit your negative prearrival PCR test result, and take your arrival test. You are then released from quarantine. 
  • If you have recovered from COVID-19 within the previous 90 days, you must upload documentation of your positive test result to the student health portal, as stated above, and present documentation of your positive test result at the arrival testing center.

If your prearrival PCR test results are delayed

Remain in room quarantine until you receive your negative result, except to go to the testing center the next day when it opens (noon on January 9 and 9 a.m. on January 10) to take your arrival PCR test. You will then be required to remain in room quarantine until you receive either your negative prearrival test result or your negative on campus arrival result, whichever is sooner.  

We look forward to welcoming you back to campus in January. Until then, we wish you a restful break, good health and safe travels.


Derek Doucet 

Dean of Students