| by Derek Doucet

Spring 2021, Students

Dear Students, 

Welcome back to campus! I’m writing to share important information about day zero test results, likely to arrive sometime in the next 24 hours.  

Until you receive a negative test result, you must remain in room quarantine. Room quarantine means remaining in your room at all times except to use the bathroom.

When you receive a negative test result via email from CareEvolve you are released from room quarantine to campus quarantine.    

Campus Quarantine Means:  

  • You may move about campus freely but must remain on campus or in your off-campus residence at all times.

  • No group gatherings are permitted at this time. You may walk or exercise outdoors with others on campus, limiting the group to no more than four students, while wearing face coverings and maintaining physical distance from each other.

  • You must continue to wear a face covering anytime you are outside of your bedroom and not eating or attending to hygiene needs in the bathroom. 

  • Maintaining physical distancing and good hand hygiene remains essential. 

  • For a full listing of present health and safety expectations, please refer to our Campus Status Page.

If you are experiencing COVID symptoms remain in your room and seek medical assistance regardless of your test result. During business hours call the Middlebury Health Services nurse line at (802) 443-3290. Afterhours, access Middlebury Telehealth at go/middtelehealth.   

Additional Testing Day Added

Due to the high prevalence of COVID-19 nationally, we’ve added an additional testing day this Thursday. ALL STUDENTS will be retested on Thursday 2/25. Book your testing appointments HERE.


On-campus students will receive meals delivered to your door until the dining halls open for lunch on Thursday 2/25. Please see this important dining message sent by Director of Dining Services Dan Detora for details about what to expect during the arrival period and beyond. 

Campus Status Page

Remember that our primary method of communicating key COVID-19 related privileges and expectations is the Campus Status Page. I recommend that you check it three or more times per week.

Thank you for helping us start the spring as a healthy campus community.     

With appreciation,     

Derek Doucet  

Dean of Students