Middlebury College is required by law to prevent discrimination against and provide reasonable accommodations for faculty, staff, and students who are qualified individuals with disabilities.

If an employee (faculty or staff) has a disability and may need an accommodation, the employee should contact the Human Resources Office at 802-443-5465 or the director of your Language School for guidance as soon as possible.

If a student in the summer Language Schools tells a faculty member that they have a disability and may need an accommodation, the faculty member should contact the Disability Resource Center

Under no circumstances should a faculty member make an accommodation for a student without first consulting with the Director of the School and the Disability Resource Center. Faculty should read and familiarize themselves with the ADA Policy contained in the Middlebury College Undergraduate Handbook. See the ADA Policy and Procedures.

Questions regarding disabilities and requests for accommodations should be handled promptly and confidentially.

Frequently Asked Questions


The Disability Resource Center at Middlebury College provides services for students with qualifying disabilities within the guidelines set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.


Qualifying disabilities can include, for example, visual impairments, hearing or mobility impairments, psychological and medical conditions, and learning disabilities which substantially limit one or more of a person’s major life activities and may necessitate modifications to the facilities, programs, or services of the College.


Please do not make accommodations for a student without first consulting with the Director of the School and the Disability Resource Center. The ADA Committee and/or the Disability Resource Center must determine the eligibility of all students who request accommodations for their disabilities. Please contact us immediately if a student is requesting assistance that is not generally given to all students.


We work as facilitators between the faculty, staff and students in an effort to find solutions that are logical, practical and do not alter the nature of your program. Services can include extended time on exams up to double time, the assigning of note takers or readers, alternative exam spaces, audio books, screen-reading or large-print software, interpreting services, assistive listening systems, and much more. Please contact us if you have questions as to what may or may not be an accommodation.


Middlebury College maintains strict confidentiality for our students with disabilities. Please do not discuss the needs or requests of the students served through our office with other faculty and staff. The information that students provide to the Disability Resource Center regarding any needs they may have is to be seen only by the individuals involved in the coordination and facilitation of services required to make our programs accessible. Most often, the needs of a student are shared only with their professor and the Director and Coordinator of the School in which the student is enrolled.