Accommodation and Assistance Request Forms

If you have questions about the process of requesting accommodations or want to talk with one of our staff, please contact the Disability Resource Center at

Areas of Accommodation

Area of Need Example Accommodations
  • Extended time on exams, Distraction reduced exam space
  • Free text to speech technology
  • Printed materials in audio or alternative format 
  • Note Taking Assistance or permission to record class
  • Occasional extension on assignments, Occasional excused absences
  • Permission to monitor body needs while in class
  • Use of computer of tablet during class or on an exam
  • Ensure captioning for all videos or use of FM System
  • Written instructions in place or oral instructions
  • Single room, Approval for a College installed AC 
  • Permission for an ESA (Emotional Support Animal)
  • Room located on a first floor or near an elevator
  • Room located near a single use bathroom; please note there are very few private bathrooms on campus
  • Exemption to be fully off the meal plan
  • Exemption for a 50 swipe meal plan option

* You are welcome to reach out to Dan Detora, Director of Food Services, at to see if your dining needs can be met outside of the accommodation process

Frequently Asked Questions


Students with approved documented disabilities are provided opportunities and protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Once a student submits the above form, the Disability Resource Center will review the material through an individualized, interactive process.

Students need to both complete the form as well as provide documentation from an objective professional qualified to make a diagnosis in the area of your condition. We ask that your documentation meets the following four criteria:

  1. Confirmation of current relevant diagnoses
  2. Relevant information on how you were diagnosed and/or your history with the diagnosis
  3. Functional limitations: Information on how the condition impacts you academically, residentially or with dining
  4. Support for your specific accommodation requests.

Documentation can be attached to the forms above, e-mailed to us as a PDF at or faxed to 802-443-2440. We do NOT need photos of prescription bottles, X-Rays, a Summary of an Appointment, etc. 


The Disability Resource Center acknowledges barriers may exist in obtaining documentation. Some of these barriers may include inadequate access to insurance or physical/mental health providers, challenges in obtaining a timely appointment with your current provider, cultural or familial barriers. 

For this reason, the Disability Resource Center is sometimes able to approve academic accommodations on a provisional basis (temporary for one semester) as the student works on obtaining documentation. This is ONLY possible for academic accommodations, not housing or dining requests. 

Please reach out to the Disability Resource Center at with further questions about provisional accommodations.