Emergency Operations Plan
The Middlebury Basic Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) provides the organized management system for Middlebury College to follow during emergencies. It is designed as a flexible system in which part or all of the plan may be activated as appropriate to the situation. The EOP provides an organizational structure and procedures for the management of information, activities, and operations during an emergency. As described throughout the EOP and supporting documents, Middlebury College maintains programs in the prevention of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from natural, human-caused, and technology-caused disasters.
The Emergency Operations Plan follows the format outlined by the Department of Education’s Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans and consists of a basic plan supplemented by functional annexes, resource annexes, and situational appendices. The basic plan recognizes the content and role of existing plans, identifies potential hazards to the College, and establishes the general organization and function of the Emergency Operations Center. The Emergency Operations Plan establishes a framework of policy and guidance for College preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. It also supports Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans, establishing a framework to coordinate specific plans and procedures maintained by individual departments or divisions to enable a campuswide approach to incident mitigation and resolution.
Recognizing potential hazards and managing their associated risks are major components of emergency planning. The College has established policies, procedures, and guidelines to respond to emergencies to minimize their impact and duration. An emergency is defined as a sudden or unexpected occurrence or combination of occurrences that may cause injury, loss of life, or destruction of property, or the interference, loss, or disruption of normal business operations that poses a threat to the campus community.