Call 911 immediately if there is an imminent, clear, and present danger.

For your safety and that of others, treat each threat seriously by notifying Public Safety. Immediately. 

Telephone Threat

  • Remain calm. 
  • Note the current time and record the number displayed on caller ID.
  • Try to ascertain:
    • The location of the bomb
    • The time the bomb is expected to go off
    • What does it look like?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What will make it explode?
    • What is your name?
  • Listen to the voice carefully and try to determine:
    • Estimated age of the caller
    • Accent of the caller
    • Sex of the caller
    • Is there any background noise that might identify where the caller is?
  • If you receive the call on voicemail, save the voicemail
  • Write down all your observations and the information given to you
  • Once the call is disconnected:
    • Immediately call Public Safety at 802-443-5911 or Law Enforcement at 911
    • Await further instructions

Email Threat

  • Remain calm
  • Do not delete the email and avoid replying to it. 
  • Preserve the email as it can serve as important evidence. 
  • Analyze the sender’s email address and note the time it was received. 
  • Be cautious of any attachments in the email and refrain from clicking on them.
  • Call Public Safety immediately
  • Notify your immediate supervisor
  • Avoid the area where the bomb is alleged to be until Public Safety and/or Law Enforcement issue an “All Clear.”

Written Threat

  • Call Public Safety immediately
  • Notify your immediate supervisor
  • Avoid unnecessary handling of the message to preserve evidence and keep it in a safe place until Public Safety and/or Law Enforcement arrive
  • Avoid the area where the bomb is alleged to be until Public Safety and/or Law Enforcement issue an “All Clear.”

Suspicious Packages, Envelopes, or Substances

If you suspect a bomb:

  • Keep others away.
  • Do not touch the package.
  • Call 911 or Public Safety at 802-443-5911 immediately.

If item is suspicious but threat is unknown:

  • Do not handle the item if possible.
  • Report the item to your supervisor.
  • Contact the Department of Public Safety at 802-443-5911
  • A public safety officer will determine if the police need to be contacted.

If you find an opened suspicious package:

  • Do not touch the package.
  • Report the package to your supervisor.
  • Secure the area and do not allow entry.
  • Call the Department of Public Safety at 802-443-5911 and advise them of the package.
  • Any employee who had direct contact with the package should wash her/his exposed skin with soap and water.
  • Wait for emergency responders to arrive and follow their directions.
  • Provide emergency responders with information about who was in the area around the time the package was discovered.

Characteristics of suspicious packages and envelopes:

  • Have a powdery substance on the outside.
  • Are unexpected or are from someone unfamiliar to you.
  • Have excessive postage, handwritten or poorly typed addresses, incorrect titles with names, or misspellings of common words.
  • Are addressed to someone no longer with your organization or the addresses are outdated.
  • Have no return address or an address that cannot be verified as legitimate.
  • Addresses not consistent with postmarks.
  • Are of unusual weight, given their size, or are lopsided or oddly shaped.
  • Have an unusual amount of tape, string, or other wrapping material on them.
  • Are marked with restrictive endorsements, such as “Fragile” or “Personal” and “Confidential” or “Rush-Do-Not-Delay.”
  • Have strange odors or stains.