SGA Assembly
Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.
Davis Family Library 105A
Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.
Davis Family Library 105A
Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.
Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room
Join us for 15 minutes of silent meditation every weekday morning, led by various staff, faculty, and students.
McCullough Crest Room
A lightly-guided weekly ritual to share care and support in response to campus and world events. All are welcome.
Middlebury Chapel
Middlebury Debate Society practice, including a debate round and a lecture on best debating strategy.
Munroe 311
This will be a mandatory pre-departure orientation for students planning to study at the Middlebury-CMRS Program in Oxford during the fall of 2025. (Students admitted to the program will receive a Zoom invitation via email.)
Virtual Middlebury
This class is an hour hot yoga class designed to build strength, balance, and flexibility.
Forest West Basement Activity Space (031)
The Rohatyn Center for Global Affair Global Fellows Program presents “Money, Lies, and God: Inside the Movement to Destroy American Democracy” with Katherine Stewart.
Dana Auditorium (Sunderland Language Center)
A play by Gina Femia. Directed by Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre, Sheila Bandyopadhyay.
The Virtuous Fall of the Girls from Our Lady of Sorrows, is an exploration of teenage revolution in the face of petty authoritarianism. Set in a Catholic girls’ school, the play recounts the ripple effects caused by one student’s decision to produce M4M2, a controversial sequel to Measure for Measure.
Wright Theatre