

Wednesday, April 9, 2025

  • Weekly Politics Luncheon

    Students, staff, alumni and the public are invited to attend this weekly nonpartisan discussion of recent political events, hosted by Professor Matthew Dickinson. Held in person and by zoom almost every Wednesday, 12:30-1:30 pm EST. Check the calendar for dates. No expertise assumed. All viewpoints welcome. To register for the zoom sessions, please contact Prof. Dickinson at his email:

    Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room

    Open to the Public
  • SGA Assembly

    Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.

    Davis Family Library 105A

  • Carol Rifelj Faculty Lecture Series: Rebecca Mitchell, History

    ‘Woe to Those Who Fail to Reckon with History’: The Brothers Karbelashvili and the Fate of Empire in the South Causasus, 1860-2024

    In 1924, Fr. Vasili Karbelashvili penned a passionate letter to his former student, Joseph Stalin. His desperate bid to stave off Bolshevik violence failed: his family fell victim to Stalinist repression. Yet by 2011, Vasili and his four brothers were canonized by the Georgian Orthodox Church.

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

    Open to the Public
  • The SlowDown

    Come enjoy homemade chai and homemade cookies with members of The Scott Center staff as we slow down our pace for a bit of socializing and crafting.  Watercolors, polymer clay, collaging, grown-up coloring books, puzzles and beading materials provided! 

    McCullough Crest Room

    Closed to the Public
  • Ballet dancers

    INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED Ballet with Barbara Doyle-Wilch

    Classical Ballet technique in traditional ballet class structure. No pointe shoes, please. Each session is open to a maximum of 20 participants. PE credit is available once 8 classes have been attended.

    Previous dance experience in any form is recommended.

    Mahaney Arts Center Dance Studio

    Closed to the Public
  • SGA Assembly

    Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.

    Davis Family Library 105A

  • Badminton Practice

    Come and enjoy a casual badminton practice session at Nelson Arena! All levels of experience are welcome. We will provide the racket and birdies. 

    Memorial Field House Nelson Multi-Use Area

  • Black background with Womp Womp in white lettering


    WOMP (Wednesday Open Mic Party) is a weekly open mic for students and community members full of great music, comedy, poetry, karaoke, and vibes. Hope to see you there!!

    Gifford Gamut Room

Thursday, April 10, 2025