Wednesday, September 25, 2024
YOUPOWER Spin Class with Eliot Nebolsine
Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes for PE credit! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app.
YouPower Spinning Room
SGA Finance Committee Weekly Meeting
Weekly Student Government Association Finance Committee Meeting. Please email to schedule a meeting during this time.
Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room
YOUPOWER Spin Class with Lindy Kessler
Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app.
YouPower Spinning Room
R.I.S.E. Weekly Meeting
Middlebury RISE Group is one of the premier investment clubs on campus. Our goal is to create a collaborative club in which students learn to become skilled investors overall and within the ESG (Environmental Social Governance) vertical. Additionally, through education and networking initiatives we strive to make each member, if they so choose, successful financial services industry professionals.
Munroe 311
Woman of Color Kickboxing
Always wanted to learn kickboxing? Any frustrations you want to let out? Come join us for an affinity space of Woman of Color Kickboxing! No training required and beginner friendly <3
Memorial Field House 3rd Floor Classroom
SGA Assembly
Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.
Davis Family Library 105A
College Democrats Weekly Meeting
Join us for our weekly meeting! Snacks will be provided!
Munroe 317
Meet with Midd Alumni from Seurat Group
Join Seurat Midd alumni for an informational session on the Seurat Group and their Business Analyst role! The Seurat Group is an innovative, boutique, insights-driven consumer packaged goods consulting and private equity firm. This event is welcome to all, especially students interested in learning more about CPG consulting and Seurat more specifically. We will provide an overview of the firm as a whole and then do a deep dive on the Business Analyst role.
Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103
Closed to the Public
Sibling to Sibling Weekly Meeting
Weekly Sibling to Sibling meeting to plan mentoring events
Munroe 208
WOMP (Wednesday Open Mic Party) is a weekly open mic for students and community members full of great music, comedy, poetry, karaoke, and vibes. Hope to see you there!!
Gifford Gamut Room
Thursday, September 26, 2024
YOUPOWER Spin Class with Cate Viola
Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes for PE credit! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app.
YouPower Spinning Room
YOUPOWER Spin Class with Maggie Bryan
Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app.
YouPower Spinning Room
Weekday Morning Sitting Meditation
Join us for 15 minutes of silent meditation every weekday morning, led by various staff, faculty, and students.
McCullough Crest Room
Closed to the Public
CTC Community Hours
Open hours for Middlebury College community members (students, faculty, and staff) to drop in to Bowker Barn for conversations, inquiry, and to learn more about Conflict Transformation and our partners. Snacks provided.
161 Adirondack View, Bowker Barn
Closed to the Public
Student Employee I-9 Session
Campus I-9 session for new student employees to complete the I-9. Please bring acceptable documents with you.
MCCullough Grille Foyer
Closed to the Public