WRMC presents Sepomana for the 75th anniversary of the station!
Wilson Hall, McCullough Student Center
WRMC presents Sepomana for the 75th anniversary of the station!
Wilson Hall, McCullough Student Center
A play by Gina Femia. Directed by Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre, Sheila Bandyopadhyay.
The Virtuous Fall of the Girls from Our Lady of Sorrows, is an exploration of teenage revolution in the face of petty authoritarianism. Set in a Catholic girls’ school, the play recounts the ripple effects caused by one student’s decision to produce M4M2, a controversial sequel to Measure for Measure.
Wright Theatre
Join us for log rolling! Duel your friends and test your balance on the log. Bring a towel and swimsuit!
Natatorium Shallow End
Middlebury Jiu Jitsu Club Sessions + Open Mat. T Th Su 4:30-6.
The Bunker (FIC 121)
Come discuss environmental activism both on campus and in the broader community!
Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103
Join us for an hour long restorative yoga flow designed to help you feel relax and rejuvenated.
McCullough - Mitchell Green Lounge
Join us for 15 minutes of silent meditation every weekday morning, led by various staff, faculty, and students.
McCullough Crest Room
Prof. Jed Atkins, Director and Dean; Professor of Civic Life and Leadership at the University of North Carolina will share what he has learned working with deans of the Humanities, Arts & Sciences to launch the
McCullough - Mitchell Green Lounge
Come by to share a cup of tea and chat with our staff about conflict transformation courses, opportunities, or share your own ideas with us! We always have snacks and drinks to share!
161 Adirondack View, Bowker Barn
MCRC weekly meeting. Please email for more information.
Axinn Center 100
Middlebury Debate Society practice, including a debate round and a lecture on best debating strategy.
Munroe 311
A rich taste of African culture that provides amazing, vigorous, high energy, and powerful movement. Let the beat of the drum move your body. Participants will learn songs, rhythms, dances, and culture as we embark on a journey of dances from the African diaspora.
Class is accompanied by live musicians to help participants understand the communication between the music and the dance.
Open to students, faculty, staff and community members age 13 and up!
No credit. Attend one or all classes!
Wilson Hall, McCullough Student Center
Join Bella for a one hour Pilates class every Monday at 5 PM. The class is structured to help you build strength, balance, and flexibility.
Forest West Basement Activity Space (031)