Middlebury must certify that it has a plan in place to train all undergraduates who participate in research funded by the National Science Foundation in ethical and responsible practices for conducting research.

You can learn more about this requirement at NSF RCR.

Middlebury College has adopted an RCR plan to ensure that all parties who are required to receive RCR training.

Use the Responsible Conduct of Research form if your grant sponsor requires that you train student researchers.


Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is required for all undergraduate student research funded by NSF (whether or not the students themselves are paid from the NSF award), and other federal agencies also have RCR training requirements for undergraduates and other participants (e.g. USDA). RCR training may ultimately be required for undergraduate student research in all disciplines.

Middlebury uses the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), an online training firm, to provide research ethics education for student researchers. Follow the steps below to get started.

If you have any problems with CITI login or the CITI website, please contact Cathy Ekstrom at cekstrom@middlebury.edu.