MiddLab is a hub for library and other specialists to share insights, develop working collaborations, and help plan for the maintenance, development, and support of the technical infrastructure and services required for digital scholarship, digital projects, and other technology-based academic research, digital dissemination, and digital preservation at Middlebury.
You can email MiddLab at middlab@middlebury.edu.
- Patrick Wallace, Digital Projects & Archives Librarian
- Heather Stafford, Instructional Designer
- Sarah Payne, Instructional Designer
- Ian McBride, Enterprise Web Application Developer
- Lydia Gentry, Digital Services Associate
Team Sponsor: Mike Roy, Dean of the Library
MiddLab Data Workshops
Please check back for additional MiddLab Data Workshops! Our workshops are discipline-inclusive and are open to students, faculty, and staff across the institution, from the sciences to the humanities and beyond.
These workshops typically cover topics such as Zotero/citation management, research data management, data visualization, R/RStudio, Python, the command line, Linux at Middlebury, and high-performance computing at Middlebury.
Due to space constraints and geographic inclusion, we have recently been holding most workshops virtually via Zoom.