Contact Information

Health Services (Students Only)


—Centeno house at 136 South Main Street, Middlebury.

—Front desk: 802-443-5135

—Nurse triage: 802-443-3290

Porter Medical Center

802-388-4701 (Emergency Room)

115 Porter Drive, Middlebury

Department of Public Safety



SERVICES: Please note that we encourage you to seek medical attention even if you are not sure you have any physical injuries. Although you may not feel physical pain, you may have internal injuries that cannot be immediately seen or felt.

Health Services at Middlebury College

No cost services

Access to a Sexual Assault Nurse Examine (SANE) for trauma-informed care including (all based on patient comfort level and consent) a full exam, evidence collection, sexually transmitted infection treatment/prophylaxis, mental health support.

2 additional visits with a provider and up to 10 visits with a mental health counselor.

Please keep in mind that you can see a SANE at any point following a sexual assault (one day later or months later). The most important thing is that you seek treatment and support if needed.

If you need to be seen after hours (before 8:15am or after 4:30pm M-F or on the weekends) please call the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to request a call back from a SANE to discuss your options. You do not need to give DPS your name or specific details. You can simply give your first name and phone number so that the SANE can call you back and help to arrange care.  If you need immediate support or a college SANE is not available, please go directly to Porter Medical Center Emergency Room.

Porter Medical Center

Access for after-hours cases or during the day if any urgent injuries. Can also access Porter if this setting is preferred.

Can call ahead to Porter to request SANE services. They may tell you a time to arrive to reduce wait time in the emergency department.



You do not have to be certain that you have experienced a sexual trauma to request a SANE exam or visit with a provider. We encourage you to come in with any questions or concerns.

In most cases, DNA evidence needs to be collected within 120 hours to be analyzed by a crime lab.

It can be helpful to try to preserve any possible evidence. Understandably, this may be difficult. If you are able, place your belongings, including the clothes that you were wearing, in a paper bag to safely preserve any evidence. Things like showering, eating, brushing your teeth, going to the bathroom, etc. can impact evidence collection. That being said, it is your decision whether you would like to partake in the activities listed above.

If clothing or other belongings are collected for evidence purposes, they will not be returned to you.

You have the right to have someone with you during the exam, including an advocate from Women Safe.

The exam and visit will be tailored to you and guided by your comfort level and specific needs. The SANE will confirm your consent with every single step of the exam. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, the SANE will stop the exam and check in with you.

The SANE can help you discuss options for reporting a case.

Remember, even if you opt for evidence collection, it does not mean that you need to report the case to the police. Once the evidence is collected, it can be safely stored in the lab for many years. You have as much time as you need to make a decision about whether you would like to report the case to authorities (or not).