Reporting Options
How to Report an Incident
As a student, faculty or staff member, you have options when it comes to reporting. You are not alone and there are members of both the campus and outside communities that are available to support and assist you throughout the process from reporting, to investigation, and on to a criminal trial or campus hearing.
If you have witnessed an assault while under the influence, and are afraid to report because you were engaging in personal alcohol or drug use, you will not face campus judicial charges.
Reporting Options In Brief
Anonymous Reporting
If you do not want to or are not ready at this time to make a report in-person, you may do so anonymously online. The anonymous reporting form can be found by clicking below or at go/anonreporting .
Confidential Reporting
There are certain people on campus to which you can report to in a confidential manner. Specifically on Middlebury College Campus, confidential resources are:
- Middlebury College Center For Health and Wellness (including SANE nurses): 802-443-5135 or 802-443-3290
- Middlebury College Counseling: 802-443-5141
- MiddSafe Confidential Advocates 802-377-0239
- Chaplains at the Scott Center (current on-call number available here)
Off-campus confidential resources include mental health professionals, medical staff, clergy, and community advocates for domestic violence and sexual assault.
Complaint/Official Report
If you are ready or would like more information on how to report, you may do so through Title IX, College Public Safety, or local law enforcement.
- The Title IX Coordinator has the capacity to initiate a campus investigation for campus judicial charges.
- Public Safety has the capacity to initiate a campus investigation for criminal charges.
Your Reporting Options
When a reporting individual of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual assault and/or sexual violence is identified or comes forward, there are three possible processes that person can engage to seek remedy. A reporting individual has the choice to be involved in one, two, or all three processes.
The three processes include:
- Title IX investigation
- The criminal justice process assisted by either Public Safety or local law enforcement
- The campus judicial process
College Title IX investigations and/or disciplinary procedures will:
Proceed independently of any action taken in the criminal or civil courts, as determined on a case-by-case basis in compliance with Title IX regulations. College procedures are not a substitute for criminal court proceedings; Absent extenuating circumstances, be completed within sixty days.
- Proceed with appropriate attention to reporting individual’s safety; and
- Not require a reporting student to mediate directly with the person accused, including couples counseling
An online form for filing an official report can be found at go/officialreporting or by clicking the button below
Bias Incidents
In addition to the conduct prohibited by the Non-Discrimination Policy, Middlebury is also concerned about bias incidents that negatively impact members of our community but do not fit under that policy. Middlebury’s Community Bias Response Team (CBRT) coordinates non-disciplinary responses to these bias incidents.
Middlebury defines a bias incident as a single act or multiple acts directed toward an individual or group on the basis of actual or perceived race, creed, color, place of birth, ancestry, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, service in the armed forces of the United States, positive-HIV-related blood test results, disability, culture, socio-economic status, spirituality or any combination of these or other related factors, with the purpose or effect, from the point of view of a reasonable person, of negatively impacting another. Bias incidents include, but are not limited to: slurs, degrading language, epithets, graffiti, vandalism, intimidation, symbols, and harassment; that are directed toward or affect the targeted individual or team. Incidents of bias may contribute to a hostile campus environment and can occur even if the act itself is unintentional or delivered as a joke, prank, or having humorous intent.
This definition is meant neither to proscribe nor to inhibit discussions in or out of the classroom of complex, controversial, or sensitive matters such as those listed above.
Note: This definition of a bias incident is intentionally broad to reflect our values to create and sustain an inclusive, safe, and productive community for all of our members.
Bias incidents can be reported to CBRT online through their Bias Incident Report Form.
More information on filing a Report or Complaint/Official Report
Q What is a Report?
A report is any information received by Middlebury College that a complainant has allegedly been subjected to conduct which could constitute Title IX Sexual Harassment or another violation of Middlebury’s Non-Discrimination Policy. A report is not a formal complaint/official report and does not trigger a formal investigation or adjudication. Instead, reports serve as a basis for statistical reporting under the Jeanne Clery Act, and allow Middlebury to provide Supportive Measures to those who have experienced Title IX Sexual Harassment. Any Complainant who reports Title IX Sexual Harassment will receive information about the Formal Complaint and Investigation Process. Reports can be made by contacting the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator or through our online reporting form.
If you are currently in a situation where immediate medical, police, or other emergency assistance is required, please dial 911 or call Public Safety at (802) 443-5911.
Q What is a Complaint/Official Report?
A complaint/official report means a document filed by a reporting individual or signed by the Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator alleging Title IX Sexual Harassment against a respondent and requesting that the recipient investigate the allegation of Title IX Sexual Harassment. At the time of filing a complaint/official report, a reporting individual must be participating in or attempting to participate in the education program or activity of the recipient with which the official report is filed. A complaint/official report may be filed with the Civil Rights Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, or by electronic mail.