Available Components

Below the fields mentioned above that live in the BODY tab, there is a section called CONTENTS. These are individual blocks of functionality that you can add to the page. Each one is designed to accomplish a specific task, and you can add more than one of each type. 

The available component for this content type are:


  1. Button
  2. Text
  3. Two Column Text
  4. Text with Image
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Schedule of Events
  7. Pull Quote
  8. Quick Links
  9. Homepage Call to Action


  1. Image
  2. Video
  3. Audio
  4. Slideshow

Related Content

  1. Related Events
  2. Related Stories
  3. Related Basic Content


  1. Subpage List
  2. Profile List
  3. Areas of Focus
  4. Programs
  5. Publications
  6. Research
  7. Latest News and Events

Discovery Tools

  1. What’s Your Mission
  2. Class Profile
  3. Campus Spotlight
  4. Center Spotlight
  5. Faculty Spotlight