Davis Family Library: 7:30am - 1am
Armstrong Science Library: 7:45am - 12am

| by Arabella Holzapfel


AM Explorer

Middlebury (Vermont) students, faculty, and staff can peruse millions of pages of primary source collections available on the AM (also/previously/commonly known as Adam Matthew) platform through our trial of AM - Explorer. Sources span time periods from the Medieval to earlier this century, and regions around the world.

Our trial access is available from now until 3 December 2023. We would love to hear your feedback about AM Explorer — after checking it out, please fill in this form.

Note that pdf downloads are disabled during the trial.

If you encounter problems with this or any online library resources, please send an email to eaccess-admin@middlebury.edu

Media Contact

Arabella Holzapfel is the E-Resources Manager and Library Systems Specialist.