Special Collections
Middlebury College Special Collections houses the college’s rare book, manuscript, and archival collections.
By the numbers:
Visit Special Collections
Middlebury Special Collections is open by appointment on weekdays. Anyone can use our collections, regardless of background, age, or affiliation.
Help transcribe our collections
If you can read handwriting, you can transcribe. Help make historic archives from Middlebury’s Special Collections accessible to future generations. Over 7,000 pages need you. Sign up for a free account with the crowdsourcing transcription service FromthePage, and start exploring Middlebury’s collections.
Special Collections is located on the lower level of Davis Family Library. View the Middlebury College campus map for more information.
Use our online calendar to schedule a research visit.
Holiday and summer hours vary. See the Davis Family Library hours for details.
Call or email us for more information.
Special Collections
Davis Family Library 101
110 Storrs Avenue
Middlebury, VT 05753
- Tel:
- (802) 443-2387
- Office:
- Library 101