Message to Language Schools re: COVID-19 Trends and Protocols
| by Steve Snyder and Mark Peluso
Dear Faculty and Staff,
The email below was sent to all Language School students, faculty, and staff on the Middlebury College campus today, and we wanted you to have this information also.
Steve Snyder
Dean of Language Schools
Mark Peluso
Chief Health Officer and Middlebury College Physician
Dear Language Schools Students, Faculty, and Staff on the Middlebury College campus,
We are writing to share information about recent trends with COVID-19 and to inform you about some adjustments to our protocols and recommendations for Language School participants.
Over the weekend and today, we have seen a small yet concerning increase in the number of COVID-19 cases reported to us on the Middlebury campus. While this is somewhat expected given the recent rise in cases worldwide and other trends in the pandemic, we have decided to take some additional early steps to ensure the best possible learning experience for our students, faculty, and staff.
Please note that for privacy reasons we are not able to share specific information about individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 or their affiliation with specific Schools, and we encourage members of our communities not to speculate. Starting today, we recommend the following mitigation steps:
- Reporting: It is mandatory that any program participant who tests positive for COVID-19 report their results to Middlebury using the Student form or Employee form.
- Masking: While masking still remains optional, for the immediate future we recommend wearing a mask when around others, except in learning situations/classrooms and/or when outside where distance can be maintained.
- Testing: Any program participant who experiences symptoms (sniffles, slight cough, etc.) should immediately take an antigen test. Do not wait to test until the following day.
- If the result is negative, you should wear a mask, reduce exposure to others, and follow up with a PCR test to confirm the result.
- Those with symptoms who have a negative antigen test should wear a mask around others, indoors, and outdoors until a PCR test result confirms the negative result or for at least five days, and for 10 days if symptoms persist.
- PCR tests are available on the Middlebury campus and are recommended for individuals who are asymptomatic and concerned, or who are symptomatic but tested negative with an antigen test.
- Due to the risk of false positive results, asymptomatic testing with an antigen test in a low prevalence situation is discouraged.
- Meal Times: Beginning today, we will offer the option for all students to pick up grab-and-go meals and snacks. We recommend that program participants eat outside when possible and to wear a mask when inside the dining hall, except when engaged in conversation with other members of your School.
- Large Events: We encourage participants to wear a mask at large indoor events (or outdoors if crowded and in close proximity to others) to minimize the risk of infection and transmission. At this time, we will continue to hold large events.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work to provide the best possible experience for our students, faculty, and staff. Please be assured that we will continue to assess a number of factors related to prevalence on our campus and in Vermont and will keep you informed if any additional changes are needed.
We look forward to seeing you on campus and to continuing our programs for a safe and productive summer.
Steve Snyder
Dean of Language Schools
Mark Peluso
Chief Health Officer and Middlebury College Physician