Make an Appointment

Schedule a session with one of our counselors at (802) 443-5141 or

Need Help Now?

TalkNow through TimelyCare provides 24/7 access to mental health support. You can speak with a counselor at any time from anywhere simply by opening TimelyCare, selecting TalkNow, and requesting an appointment

In case of an emergency call 911 or the following emergency resources:

  • Middlebury College Public Safety Emergency Line: 802-443-5911
  • Porter Hospital Emergency Room: 115 Porter Drive, Middlebury VT

First Appointments

First appointments (called Access appointments) will be concise sessions (25-30 minutes) to get initial support, discuss resources and options, and make a plan. You and the counselor you meet with will work collaboratively to explore next steps including future session frequency and length if you decide to continue working with Counseling. Students who have met with Counseling staff within the last six months do not need to go through an Access appointment to re-engage with services. 

If you are new to our services, prior to your first appointment, information about your needs and areas of concern will be gathered via confidential questionnaires and screening tools uploaded to your student health portal at the time of scheduling. We ask that you please complete and submit these prior to your first meeting to allow your scheduled counselor time to review and prepare for your appointment. This will help us to develop a fuller picture of your current situation and assist us in providing you with next steps and resources best suited to your needs. 

Follow-Up Options

Many students opt to meet with us only once or a few times to help them get through a specific situation, but many also request additional sessions to help them reach their goals. Once you meet with one of our counselors, the two of you can decide what follow-up option is best suited for your care including continued utilization of individual sessions, joining a group, attending a skills series, scheduled or as-needed follow-ups via TimelyCare counseling, referrals to others on campus like nurse practitioners or health coaches, referrals to community-based providers, and more.