COVID-19 Care and Mask Reminders
| by Barbara McCall
Dear Students,
As the weather changes and cold and flu season is upon us, I’m writing today with some reminders about the following important COVID-19, cold, and flu mitigation strategies:
- Seeking Care for COVID-19 Symptoms
- Reminders and Tips for Effective Mask-Wearing
- Upcoming Flu Vaccine Clinics
Seeking Care for COVID-19 Symptoms
We have heard accounts of students who are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 feeling hesitant to call Health Services to be screened and scheduled for testing. We understand that some students might feel nervous about missing classes or joining virtually and we can understand not wanting to miss content or in-person social experiences. That being said, calling a healthcare provider, getting tested, and staying home (in your room) when you feel unwell are some of our best tools to manage all respiratory illnesses this year. We need your help to quickly identify and support individuals who test positive for COVID-19 and we want to provide care and support for all students who are not feeling well.
If you are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, immediately contact Health Services at 802-443-3290 to speak directly to a nurse (or MiddTelehealth after hours). Conversations with and care provided by Health Services and MiddTelehealth providers are confidential.
Reminders and Tips for Effective Mask-Wearing
Masks continue to be an important mitigation measure to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, but also other respiratory illnesses like colds and the flu. Masks are required to be worn in all indoor spaces on campus, except for when you are:
- eating or attending to personal hygiene
- in your own bedroom
- or with your close contacts, including intimate partners
Campus Well has archived resources about efficacy, caring and cleaning your masks, and making sure that your masks meet your fit and fabric needs.
Upcoming Flu Vaccine Clinics
It was wonderful to see so many of you at yesterday’s flu vaccine clinic. More than 500 students are now vaccinated. As shipments of flu vaccine arrive on campus, we’ll be sending out notices about future clinics. Students who have already been vaccinated or plan to receive a vaccine off campus must upload proof of vaccination to the student health portal as an immunization record.
Be well,
Barbara A. McCall, MPH, MCHES, CHWP
Executive Director, Center for Health and Wellness<
Middlebury College
Ross Dining Office - 003<
Middlebury, VT 05753
I use the pronouns she/her/hers.