Deadline for Student Vaccination Documentation is August 10
Dear Students,
This is a reminder that COVID-19 vaccination records must be submitted for review by Tuesday, August 10, 2021 through the student health portal. This is a critical step in doing your part to ensure the health of our campus community this fall.
Enrolled students must complete one of the following actions by August 10:
- Upload proof of COVID-19 vaccination to your student health portal.
- Submit a medical or religious exemption.
- Contact Health Services to make a plan for vaccination upon arrival by emailing This option is only available to those students coming to campus from international points of origin where they have not been eligible for vaccination.
Students who have not taken one of these steps may not come to campus until they do. Students who arrive at Middlebury without having done so will not be permitted into their housing, be eligible to attend class, or access any campus facilities.
To double check whether your vaccination documentation has been submitted and reviewed you can log in to the student health portal and view your immunization history to see if you are in compliance with the COVID-19 vaccine requirement. Please note that we are not currently tracking compliance with flu vaccine as it is not yet flu season. If you have any questions about the status of your vaccine documentation, please contact the nurse line at 802-443-3290 during business hours Monday-Friday or email
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important Middlebury requirement.
Sandra Robinson
Director of Health Services
Derek Doucet
Dean of Students