122 Items

  1. FacultyFall 2020StaffStudents

    Fall 2020 Weekly Update

    | by Laurie L Patton

    I write with a brief update before the weekend, following up on the June 22 announcement about Middlebury’s plans for the fall semester. This is the first of the weekly updates we will be sending you throughout the summer to keep you informed of our progress.

  2. FacultyFall 2020StaffStudents

    Initial Decisions about the Fall Semester

    | by Laurie L Patton

    I write to share the much-anticipated news of our decision to move forward with reopening for the fall semester. While this fall will look much different than at any time in our history, I am grateful that we will be able to come together again in a way that upholds educational opportunity while maximizing the health and safety of the entire Middlebury community.