The Disability Resource Center provides the following dining and residential life accommodations.

Dining Accommodations

Food allergies may constitute a disability and reasonable accommodations related to the meal plan may be possible. To initiate the accommodation process please fill out the Accommodation Request Form. Please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to obtain an alternate format of this form if necessary. The information that you provide regarding any need for accommodation(s) will be shared only with those individuals involved in the coordination and facilitation of services and accommodations that are required to make our programs accessible to you.

Residential Life Accommodations

The DRC works in collaboration with residential life to arrange for reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities living in the residence halls. Residence hall advisors and live-in professional staff are notified in advance of students who are physically disabled and for whom residential accommodations have been approved. Middlebury encourages regular communication between students with physical disabilities and residential life staff. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with staff if there is a need to revise or modify the measures taken to accommodate the student’s needs.

  • Students with learning disabilities who require quiet housing may request such accommodations through the DRC. Assignments are made on the basis of availability of space and the level of need. In order to maximize the College’s ability to grant such requests, notification is requested by February 1 for the following year. Requests made after this date may be more difficult to fulfill.

  • Students requesting a single room as an accommodation are advised that such requests will be determined on an individual case by case basis. Requests should be submitted in a timely manner prior to room draw and be supported by documentation which recommends a single room and explains why a single room is needed as an accommodation given the specific nature of the student’s disability. The ADA Coordinators will work in conjunction with the Residential Life to determine room assignments for eligible students. Assignments are made on the basis of availability of space and the level of need. In order to maximize the ability to grant such requests, notification is requested by February 1 for the following year. Requests made after this date may be more difficult to fulfill. The DRC reserves the right to suggest alternative accommodations where appropriate to satisfy the request.

  • Students requesting an air conditioner as an accommodation are advised that such requests should be made in accordance with the guidelines established in Middlebury’s Thermal Comfort Policy.

Students are expected to play a substantial role in specifying their needs and following through on arrangements for accommodations. It must be understood that arrangements for equipment, housing assignments, and other accommodations require advanced notice.