SGA Assembly
Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.
Davis Family Library 105A
Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.
Davis Family Library 105A
Come enjoy homemade chai and homemade cookies with members of The Scott Center staff as we slow down our pace for a bit of socializing and crafting. Watercolors, polymer clay, collaging, grown-up coloring books, puzzles and beading materials provided!
McCullough Crest Room
McCardell Bicentennial Hall Tormondsen Great Hall
Classical Ballet technique in traditional ballet class structure. No pointe shoes, please. Each session is open to a maximum of 20 participants. PE credit is available once 8 classes have been attended.
Previous dance experience in any form is recommended.
Mahaney Arts Center Dance Studio
The Symposium (Philosophy Club)
Every Wednesday @ 6pm
Axinn 220
Axinn Center 220
Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.
Davis Family Library 105A
Join us for 15 minutes of silent meditation every weekday morning, led by various staff, faculty, and students.
McCullough Crest Room
In this Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series talk students currently enrolled in ENVS 0401 B Community-Engaged Environmental Studies Practicum with present work from their semester long community-engaged projects.
Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103
Join us for log rolling practice! Bring a towel, a swimsuit and your excitement for log rolling!
Natatorium Shallow End
We carry so much in these precarious times. Come any Thursday at 3:45 for these 30-minute Weekly Community Gatherings in the chapel. Led by Dean of Spiritual & Religious Life, Mark Orten, quiet time for ourselves and one another is held with deep care and gratitude. All are welcome to these lightly guided circles and no experience is necessary.
Middlebury Chapel
Middlebury Debate Society practice, including a debate round and a lecture on best debating strategy.
Munroe 311