

Monday, April 24, 2023

  • Atelier Meeting

    Weekly meeting of the sewing club for individual project work

    Wright Theatre Green Room

  • Feminist Action at Middlebury Club Meeting

    Feminist Action at Middlebury (FAM) is a club at Middlebury College that welcomes people of identities to explore intersectional feminist activism in a positive, fun, and inclusive environment.

    Chellis Living Room/Seminar Room

  • Image of a woman wearing a white scarf

    Virtual Talk by Timnit Gebru

    Public Zoom lecture on bias and social impacts of artificial intelligence by Dr. Timnit Gebru of the Distributed AI Research Institute.

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

    Open to the Public
  • Writing Drop-In Tutoring

    CTLR Writing Center Tutors will be available to meet with students on a drop-in basis.
    Writing Drop-In Tutoring Spring Schedule

    Sunday and Monday 7-11 PM at the AFC (Carr Hall)
    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-11 pm at the CTLR (Lib 225)
    Or book an appointment for Monday-Thursday 7-11 PM online at go/wconline.

    See more information at the Writing Center

    Middlebury College

    Closed to the Public
  • MiddWOW General Meeting

    Middlebury Women on Wall Street (MiddWOW) is a student-run organization focused on mentoring and supporting female-identifying Middlebury students pursuing careers in finance and business.

    Axinn Center 220

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

  • Image of a cactus

    Pop-up! 3-D Books from Special Collections

    Special Collections’ newest exhibit features 100 years of pop-up books from the fanciful to the functional, from science textbooks to fairy tales. The exhibit is installed in Davis Family Library on the Main Level.

    Visit go/popup/ to see the books in action.

    Middlebury College

    Open to the Public
  • YouPower cycling wheel

    YouPower Spin Classes

    Free 45 minute student-led spin classes! Our studio is in the FIC in room 127. Please make sure to arrive 5 minutes before class. Masks required, shoes provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower

    YouPower Spinning Room

    Closed to the Public
  • Areial view of a garden with outbuilding and a labarinth.

    Knoll Garden Volunteer Hours

    Knoll Garden Volunteer Hours, open to all Middlebury students. The Knoll serves as a site to explore topics of connection, resilience, and regeneration. The garden has been almost entirely powered by volunteers and interns for 19 years, and we are grateful you are here. 

    The Knoll

  • Weekly Politics Luncheon

    Students and the public are invited to attend this weekly nonpartisan discussion of recent political events, hosted by Professor Matthew Dickinson. Held on most Tuesdays from 12:30-1:20 pm EST. Check the calendar for dates. No expertise assumed. All viewpoints welcome.

    This is both an in-person and a virtual event. To register to attend via Zoom, please contact Prof. Dickinson.

    Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room

    Open to the Public
  • Let's Talk

    Let’s Talk offers students easy access to informal and confidential 25-minute consultations with a counselor. Drop-in hours take place weekly on a first come, first served basis. Offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Anderson Freeman Center, located in Carr Hall.

    Visit go/Lets-Talk or contact for additional information.

    Middlebury College

    Closed to the Public
  • Log Rolling Practice

    Log Rolling Practice! Come down to the Natatorium to join us at log rolling. Anyone and everyone is welcome, no experience is necessary. Log rolling is a fun sport where we try and stay on a log floating in water. You can even duel your friends and whoever stays on longer wins! Come try it out!

    Natatorium Shallow End

  • JusTalks Workshop: Race & Queerness

    This workshop explores the intersection of race and queerness. We will discuss how whiteness and white supremacy are upheld in queer spaces.

    Axinn Center 220

  • Therapy dog visits with Milo and Stella

    Come meet Milo and Stella, two therapy dogs on campus. They are ready for hugs and belly rubs, and you will be sure to leave with a smile.

    MCCullough Grille Foyer

    Closed to the Public
  • YouPower cycling wheel

    YouPower Spin Classes

    Free 45 minute student-led spin classes! Our studio is in the FIC in room 127. Please make sure to arrive 5 minutes before class. Masks required, shoes provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower

    YouPower Spinning Room

    Closed to the Public
  • Image of a group of women in front of a statue

    Anti-Veiling Campaigns in Turkey: Gender, Power and Resistance under the Kemalist Regime

    The Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs program on Global and International History presents “Anti-Veiling Campaigns in Turkey: Gender, Power and Resistance under the Kemalist Regime” by Sevgi Adak, aAssistant professor of Gender and Middle East Studies and Head of Research at the Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations in London.

    Virtual Middlebury

    Open to the Public
  • The SlowDown

    Take a breath, slow it down, and use your creative mind!
    Each week we’ll have materials for different projects — beading, embroidery floss for making bracelets, collaging on notebook covers and containers, origami, watercolors for illustrating poetry, etc.
    We’ll be serving hot homemade chai and homemade cookies.  

    Charles P. Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life - 46 South Street