

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

  • Restorative Yoga with Emily Thompson

    Join Emily Thompson for a 60 minute restorative yoga class. Students of all levels are welcome. Mats will be provided.

    Forest West Basement Activity Space (031)

  • MiddRuns

    Anyone interested in running we do casual runs open to all around town or on campus 

    To Be Announced

  • YouPower cycling wheel

    YouPower Spin Classes

    Free 45 minute student-led spin classes! Our studio is in the FIC in room 127. Please make sure to arrive 5 minutes before class. Masks required, shoes provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower

    YouPower Spinning Room

    Closed to the Public
  • YouPower cycling wheel

    YouPower Spin Classes

    Free 45 minute student-led spin classes! Our studio is in the FIC in room 127. Please make sure to arrive 5 minutes before class. Masks required, shoes provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower

    YouPower Spinning Room

    Closed to the Public
  • MiddIV Small Group Meeting

    Join us for a time of community, socializing, and study of God’s word through the Bible! EVERYONE IS WELCOME

    McCullough - Mitchell Green Lounge

  • Image of musicians standing in a group

    Middlebury Afropop Band Concert and Middlebury African Music and Dance Ensemble Joint Concert

    This concert opens with the Middlebury African Music and Dance Ensemble performing repertoire that showcases the stylistic and instrumental diversity of traditional East African musical cultures. In the second half of the concert, the Middlebury Afropop Band performs original compositions and arrangements of classic and contemporary popular songs from all over Africa. The band uses pop and rock instrumentation as well as styles that blend traditional African with Western and/or Afro-diasporic musical idioms.

    Wilson Hall, McCullough Student Center

    Open to the Public
  • Spill the Tea

    Q&A’s weekly Spill the Tea is back! It runs every Tuesday in the Anderson Freeman Resource Center. Come on down for some snacks and hangout time.

    Anderson Freeman Resource Center

  • Weekly Symposium Meeting

    We have weekly discussions on philosophical questions and topics. If this interests you, please join us at our weekly meetings.

    Axinn Center 220

  • Writing Drop-In Tutoring

    CTLR Writing Center Tutors will be available to meet with students on a drop-in basis.
    Writing Drop-In Tutoring Spring Schedule

    Sunday and Monday 7-11 PM at the AFC (Carr Hall)
    Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-11 pm at the CTLR (Lib 225)
    Or book an appointment for Monday-Thursday 7-11 PM online at go/wconline.

    See more information at the Writing Center

    Middlebury College

    Closed to the Public

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

  • YouPower cycling wheel

    YouPower Spin Classes

    Free 45 minute student-led spin classes! Our studio is in the FIC in room 127. Please make sure to arrive 5 minutes before class. Masks required, shoes provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower

    YouPower Spinning Room

    Closed to the Public
  • Image of a cactus

    Pop-up! 3-D Books from Special Collections

    Special Collections’ newest exhibit features 100 years of pop-up books from the fanciful to the functional, from science textbooks to fairy tales. The exhibit is installed in Davis Family Library on the Main Level.

    Visit go/popup/ to see the books in action.

    Middlebury College

    Open to the Public
  • YouPower cycling wheel

    YouPower Spin Classes

    Free 45 minute student-led spin classes! Our studio is in the FIC in room 127. Please make sure to arrive 5 minutes before class. Masks required, shoes provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower

    YouPower Spinning Room

    Closed to the Public
  • Employee Yoga

    Faculty and staff are invited to join Joanna Colwell from Otter Creek Yoga. Preregistration required. To register, contact

    Forest West Basement Activity Space (031)

  • PBL Community of Practice Meeting

    Practitioners of Project-Based Learning gather once a month to share their experiences and support each other in this particular pedagogical endeavor. Please RSVP if you plan to join our PBL Community of Practice meeting. All are welcome.

    Lunch will be provided. Please register by April 24 if you will be joining us for lunch.

    Davis Family Library Center for Teaching, Learning and Research

    Closed to the Public
  • Wakeful Wednesdays

    Join Spiritual and Religious Life Dean Mark R. Orten for 20 minutes of quiet contemplation with reading and music for our times. Intentional silence and guided meditation will be interspersed with music and readings from secular worldviews and sacred traditions to open our awareness and to find strength and perspective for living during personal, political, racial, ecological and other upheavals.

    Middlebury Chapel

    Open to the Public
  • Image of international currency

    The CFA Franc: Africa's Last Colonial Currency

    The Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs program on Power, Wealth and Global Political Economy presents Dr. Ndongo Samba Sylla and his talk “The CFA Franc: Africa’s Last Colonial Currency.”

    Virtual Middlebury

    Open to the Public
  • Let's Talk

    Let’s Talk offers students easy access to informal and confidential 25-minute consultations with a counselor. Drop-in hours take place weekly on a first come, first served basis.

    Visit go/Lets-Talk or contact for additional information.

    Virtue Field House Director's Conference Room

    Closed to the Public
  • Quadball Practice

    Middlebury College Quadball will be running a practice where students can learn the fundamentals of Quadball, practice skills, and scrimmage in a safe and fun environment.

    Battell Beach