Sam Byrne, Middlebury College, Biology and Global Health
Pollution and People: Human Health Through the Lens of Environmental Health
McCardell Bicentennial Hall 220
Pollution and People: Human Health Through the Lens of Environmental Health
McCardell Bicentennial Hall 220
Grab some lunch and stop by the Atwater seminar room for lighthearted conversation about all things Anthropology! Students, faculty and affiliates welcome.
Atwater Dining Seminar Room
Join the MSA in the Crest Room at 1:00 PM every Friday for Jummah prayer!
McCullough Crest Room
Join us to celebrate the opening of the new Special Collections exhibit in Davis Family Library! Curated by Ambar Vasquez-Mitra ‘25 and Yvette Fordjour ‘26, this exhibit explores the art of scrapbooking at Middlebury, featuring 100 years of college scrapbooks that showcase the varied and timeless ways Midd Kids define themselves and their experience.
Davis Family Library Atrium
The Jazz Workshop provides a weekly opportunity for jazz students to study jazz history, repertoire development, jazz conventions, jazz idiom and theory, and a chance to practice strategies and tools, improvisation, and playing in small groups.
Mahaney Arts Center 221
Bonjour tous le monde! The French Club is hosting weekly meetings with various activities. We’re open to all students whether they speak French or not.
Chateau Grand Salon
Interested in joining women’s+ rugby? Come by to chat about what the club and team is like, how to get cleared, and get any questions answered!
Axinn Center 220
Come stop by JHN 204 for an alumni round table hosted by Architecture Table! Architecture students and professionals from Yale, Harvard, and beyond will come to speak about their experiences and share advice for HARC students.
Johnson Classroom 204
Join Hillel for Shabbat services and a home-cooked dinner!
Jewish Center at the Freeman International Center
Join us in Coltrane Lounge for a FUBU dinner to celebrate a diaspora of Black cultural identities through food!
Adirondack Coltrane Lounge
Come and enjoy a casual badminton practice session at Nelson Arena! All levels of experience are welcome. We will provide the racket and birdies.
Memorial Field House Nelson Multi-Use Area
Enjoy a completely student-run play adaptation of “Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs”, a classic episode from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, in the Hepburn Zoo Theater!
Hepburn Zoo
Join us for food, community and wellness
Anderson Freeman Resource Center