
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

  • People dancing

    Dance Department Pizza & Audition

    Audition for the fall dance concert- be a part of a student’s choreography.

    Or if you’re new to the department, be a part of the newcomers piece choreographed by Dance Faculty Lida Winfield.

    The Fall Dance Concert will be held on December 5th & 6th @ 7:30 pm.

    Mahaney Arts Center Dance Theatre

    Closed to the Public
  • Fire Extinguisher Hands On Training

    Ever wonder what it’s like to use an actual fire extinguisher or how an AED works? The Middlebury Environmental Health and Safety Department is sponsoring opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to handle and use these integral tools for the protection of life and property found all across campus. Stop by and fight a real fire or execute a successful intervention for a patient having a cardiac event.  Booths will be set up outside various dinning facilities on campus.

    Ross Courtyard (Terrace)

    Closed to the Public
  • Yellow background with white drawing of a sun rising. Inside the sun there are the words: Mental Health Peer Educators

    Learn about ProjectConnect

    Stop by to learn about ProjectConnect, a 5-week student led group meant to help you find connection on campus and foster deeper conversational skills. Skip the small talk and get to know people better!

    Atwater Dining Hall

    Closed to the Public
  • YOUPOWER Spin Class with Lindy Kessler

    Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app. 

    YouPower Spinning Room

  • R.I.S.E. Weekly Meeting

    Middlebury RISE Group is one of the premier investment clubs on campus. Our goal is to create a collaborative club in which students learn to become skilled investors overall and within the ESG (Environmental Social Governance) vertical. Additionally, through education and networking initiatives we strive to make each member, if they so choose, successful financial services industry professionals.

    Munroe 311

  • Woman of Color Kickboxing

    Always wanted to learn kickboxing? Any frustrations you want to let out? Come join us for an affinity space of Woman of Color Kickboxing! No training required and beginner friendly <3

    Memorial Field House 3rd Floor Classroom

  • SGA Assembly

    Join the SGA to discuss policy and plan student initiatives. Our meetings are open and we encourage students to come and bring their concerns.

    Davis Family Library 105A

  • Black background with Womp Womp in white lettering


    WOMP (Wednesday Open Mic Party) is a weekly open mic for students and community members full of great music, comedy, poetry, karaoke, and vibes. Hope to see you there!!

    Gifford Gamut Room

Thursday, September 19, 2024

  • Model United Nations — CMUNNY

    The Columbia Model United Nations (CMUN) conference is an annual event hosted by the Columbia International Relations Council and Association (CIRCA) at Columbia University in New York City. The CMUN conference is one of the largest and most prestigious Model UN conferences in the United States

  • YOUPOWER Spin Class with Cate Viola

    Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes for PE credit! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app. 

    YouPower Spinning Room

  • YOUPOWER Spin Class with Maggie Bryan

    Free 45-minute student-led indoor spin classes! These classes take place in the FIC building, room 127. Shoes and equipment are provided. Sign up for classes at go/youpower or using the MINDBODY app. 

    YouPower Spinning Room

  • Weekday Morning Sitting Meditation

    Join us for 15 minutes of silent meditation every weekday morning, led by various staff, faculty, and students. 

    McCullough Crest Room

    Closed to the Public
  • Conflict transformation Community Hours are on Wednesdays from three to five PM and Thursdays from ten AM to twelve PM at Bowker Barn

    CTC Community Hours

    Open hours for Middlebury College community members (students, faculty, and staff) to drop in to Bowker Barn for conversations, inquiry, and to learn more about Conflict Transformation and our partners. Snacks provided. 

    161 Adirondack View, Bowker Barn

    Closed to the Public
  • Student Employee I-9 Session

    Campus I-9 session for new student employees to complete the I-9. Please bring acceptable documents with you.  

    MCCullough Grille Foyer

    Closed to the Public
  • Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series

    Toward a More Holistic Land Ethic: Lessons from Pastoralism, a Howard E. Woodin Environmental Studies Colloquium Series talk by Helen Whybrow, Author, “The Salt of Stones: A Shepherd’s World, A Shepherd’s Mind.”

    Franklin Environmental Center, The Orchard-Hillcrest 103

    Open to the Public