The Endowment
In Service to Middlebury’s Mission
The purpose of the endowment is to provide sustainable financial support for Middlebury to serve its mission—in perpetuity.
The endowment provides a permanent source of support for the institution’s students, faculty, and programs. While current-use gifts support the institution’s immediate needs, the endowment ensures long-term sustainability.
The Middlebury endowment is made up of more than 1,600 individual funds with varied purposes across the institution; most are restricted for a specific use. Each restricted fund has a designated purpose and is designed to provide funding for that activity forever. Taken together, the funds that make up the endowment ensure Middlebury’s financial stability, flexibility, and autonomy.
Endowment at a Glance
Endowment in Action
Earnings from these 1,600 funds support Middlebury’s diverse programs and initiatives, including financial aid, professorships, athletics, internships, and research fellowships. In fiscal year 2024, the endowment distribution provided 22 percent of revenues to support operating activities and capital requirements. It plays a critical role in advancing all programs: the College, Language Schools, Bread Loaf School of English, Writers’ Conferences, and Middlebury Institute of International Studies.