Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs 2024-2025

  • Picture of a woman smiling

    Public Health in the United Sates

    A perspective on complexity, coordination, and what we might expect over the next four years under the second Trump administration

    The Rohatyn Center for Global Affairs program on Global Health and Medicine presents Ambassador Deborah Birx and her talk “Public Health in the United States-  a perspective on complexity, coordination, and what we might expect over the next four years under the second Trump administration..”

    Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room

    Open to the Public

  • A black and white photograph of three Salvadoran men standing in front of a stone building, each looking in a different direction.

    Legacy of Lies: From the Salvadoran Civil War to the U.S. Border Crisis

    Over three decades, Robert Nickelsberg shot photos of insurgents and counter-insurgents in El Salvador, Iraq and Afghanistan for Time magazine.  For this event, he will present B&W images of the Salvadoran civil war and go into what they tell us about the choices facing Salvadorans.  U.S. support for a rightwing dictatorship not only motivated many to flee to the U.S., Nickelsberg will argue, but also laid the groundwork for present-day chaos at the southern border.

    Axinn Center 229

    Open to the Public

  • picture of text- Rohatyn Global Fellow

    Rohatyn Global Fellows Information Session

    Join us to learn more about the Rohatyn Global Fellows program. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, this year-long program brings students from diverse disciplines together to examine, discuss, and enhance their understanding of world events and global challenges. Applications will be open in April. Fellows will be selected in April for the following academic year.

    Click here to visit our website.

    RAJ Conference Room

    Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room

  • picture of text- Rohatyn Global Fellow

    Rohatyn Global Fellows Information Session

    Join us to learn more about the Rohatyn Global Fellows program. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, this year-long program brings students from diverse disciplines together to examine, discuss, and enhance their understanding of world events and global challenges. Applications will be open in April. Fellows will be selected in April for the following academic year.

    Click here to visit our website.

    RAJ Conference Room

    Robert A. Jones '59 Conference Room