As you consider your choices and resources, you may have concerns about maintaining your privacy. Middlebury will handle information in a sensitive manner and will endeavor to protect your privacy to the extent we can do so consistent with our obligations to respond to reports of sexual misconduct, domestic and dating violence and misconduct, stalking and/or related retaliation.
Middlebury will not include the names of complainants or other personally identifying information in publicly available reports that are compiled as required by the Clery Act. When issuing “timely warnings” as required by the Clery Act, Middlebury will similarly withhold this information. However, if there is an independent investigation, lawsuit, or criminal proceeding related to sexual misconduct, domestic or dating violence or misconduct, stalking or related retaliation, those involved or others may be required by law to provide testimony or documents (e.g., investigation reports, witness statements, and any other information gathered or obtained by Middlebury in a particular matter).
Middlebury will maintain as confidential any accommodations or protective measures provided to individuals to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair Middlebury’s ability to provide the accommodations or protective measures.