Twilight Fellow Mia Pangasnan publishes op-ed in The Campus
After the Vermont State Legislature’s public apology for its past eugenics policies and violent actions, the College began to consider the role of Governor John A. Mead, Class of 1864, in promoting eugenics in Vermont. Twilight Fellow Paige Osgood presented a proposal to the Senior Leadership Group as part of her Twilight Project “Naming Middlebury: Memory, Power, and Place” to rename campus landmarks in summer 2021. The College announced it would remove Mead’s name from the Chapel in September 2021. Read the College announcement on Renaming Mead Memorial Chapel.
On February 10, 2021, the Friends of the Vermont State House announced that Vermont artist, Katie Runde, has been commissioned to paint a portrait of Alexander Twilight for the Vermont State House.
Visual artists Eve and Steve Schaub have composed a series of photographic panels on the life of Alexander Twilight, titled “The Home of My Choice.”