Yusef Komunyakaa receives a standing ovation in the Little Theater.
Yusef Komunyakaa receives a standing ovation during the 2019 Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference.

The following lists include all recordings that Bread Loaf has permission to post.


8/14/24- Welcome by Jennifer Grotz and Middlebury College President, Laurie L. Patton, and Reading by Xochitl Gonzalez

8/15/24- Lecture by Margot Livesey, “The Train Stops Here: Revision”

8/15/24- Readings by Matthew Gellman, Diana Khoi Nguyen, and Joseph Earl Thomas

8/15/24- Readings by Carmen Giménez and Dinaw Mengestu

8/16/24- Lecture by Mat Johnson, “See, What Had Happened Was: Life’s Story”

8/16/24- Readings by Jessamine Chan, Garrard Conley, and Crystal Hana Kim

8/16/24- Readings by Lauren Francis-Sharma and Sally Keith

8/17/24- Lecture by Rick Barot, “Lavish Syntax”

8/17/24- Readings by Jenny Johnson, Laura Marris, and Joe Milan Jr.

8/17/24- Readings by Paul Lisicky and Adrian Matejka

8/18/24- Lecture by Samantha Hunt, “An Atlas of Everything: Maps, Unseen Worlds and Writing”

8/18/24- Readings by Lydi Conklin, Jesse Nathan, and Jennifer Grotz

8/18/24- Reading by Ladee Hubbard

8/19/24- Lecture by Marie-Helene Bertino, “Revision as an Act of Autonomy”

8/19/24- Readings by Rick Barot and Rebecca Makkai 

8/20/24- Lecture by Carmen Giménez, “Between the Lines: On the Function Word”

8/20/24- Readings by James Allen Hall, Robert Wood Lynn, Mai Nardone, and Cleyvis Natera

8/20/24- Readings by Marie-Helene Bertino and Mark Wunderlich

8/21/24- Lecture by Garth Greenwell, “Saying Yes to Life: On James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room

8/21/24- Readings by Jenny Boully and Mat Johnson

8/22/24- Lecture by Mark Wunderlich, “The Posthumous Self: The Poet as Clairvoyant”

8/22/24- Readings by ‘Pemi Aguda, Erin Marie Lynch, and Samantha Hunt

8/22/24- Readings by Jamel Brinkley and Margot Livesey

8/23/24- Lecture by Rebecca Makkai, “Can’t Go Over It, Can’t Go Under It”

8/23/24- Readings by Amber Caron, Ricardo Nuila, and Paul Tran

8/23/24- Readings by Garth Greenwell and Helen Schulman



8/16/23- Welcome by Jennifer Grotz and Reading by Ellen Bryant Voigt

8/17/23 - Lecture by Jennifer Finney Boylan, “The Heisenberg Variations: Invention, Revision, and Uncertainty”

8/17/23 - Readings by Jay Gao, Miciah Bay Gault, and Joseph Earl Thomas (note: this recording only contains Miciah Bay Gault’s and Joseph Earl Thomas’s readings.)

8/17/23 - Readings by Gerardo Sámano Córdova, Patrick Phillips, and Tiphanie Yanique

8/18/23 - Lecture by Tomás Q. Morín, “Talking Back: Homage and Its Uses”

8/18/23 - Readings by Alice Elliott Dark and Matthew Olzmann

8/18/23 - Readings by Matthew Baker, Erin Belieu, and Lauren Francis-Sharma

8/18/23 - Bread Loaf Scholar Readings, Night 1 or 2***

8/19/23 - Lecture by Elisa Gabbert, “The Essay as Realm: On Structure and Mood”

8/19/23 - Lecture by Kamran Javadizadeh

8/19/23 - Readings by James Davis May, Monica West, and Dean Bakopoulos

8/19/23 - Readings by Victoria Chang and Jess Row

8/19/23 - Bread Loaf Scholar Reading, Night 2 of 2****

8/20/23 - Lecture by Tiphanie Yanique, “For Real: Writing Characters of Color, and Staying in Your Own Integrity of Character”

8/20/23 - Readings by Sindya Bhanoo, Amanda Gunn, and David Treuer

8/20/23 - Readings by Carl Phillips and Emily Raboteau

8/21/23 - Lecture by Jess Row, ““The Structure of a Story Compared to a Bubble”

8/21/23 - Readings by Rachel Beanland, Janine Joseph, and Tomás Q. Morín

8/21/23 - Readings by Vievee Francis and Laura van den Berg

8/21/23 - Administrative Staff Scholar Readings, Night 1 of 2*

8/22/23 - Lecture by Erin Belieu, “Flinging The Soul: On Negative Capability and the Creative Process”

8/22/23 - Readings by Jori Lewis, Maggie Millner, Janika Oza, and Caleb Tankersley

8/22/23 - Readings by Jennifer Grotz and Paul Yoon

8/22/23 - Administrative Staff Scholar Readings, Night 2 or 2**

8/23/23 - Reading by Sigrid Nunez

8/24/23 - Lecture by Vievee Francis, “Shifting Narratives in African American Poetry: Obama, Al Green, and Writing Post-BlackArts Movement, or The Audacity of My Own Damn Belligerence”

8/24/23 - Readings by Darrel Alejandro Holnes, Alex Marzano-Lesnevich, and Christopher Castellani

8/24/23 - Readings by Sidik Fofana, Elisa Gabbert, and Tania James

8/25/23 - Lecture by Patrick Phillips, “Out-of-the-Body Travel: The Poem as Time Machine”

8/25/23 - Readings by Sierra Crane Murdoch and Jacob Shores-Argüello

8/25/23 - Readings by Gabrielle Bates, Jennifer Finney Boylan, and Luis Alberto Urrea

*Night 1 Administrative Staff Scholars: Phil SaintDenisSanchez, Anja Mei-Ping Kuipers, Diana Cao, Jon Sargent, Sebastián Páramo, Jason Lamb, Angela Siew, Lei Hu, Scott Stubbs, and Noah Stetzer.

**Night 2 Administrative Staff Scholars:  Katia Agniatsvet (read by Annie Reid), Megan Pinto, Rowan Sharp, Annie Schumacher, Suhail Mandani, Sebastian Merrill, Annie Reid, Neysa King, Mark Spero, and Jennnifer Funk.

***Night 1 Bread Loaf Scholars: Vivian Hu, Carrie Esposito, Karolina Letunova, Hua Xi, Dan Kraines, Jessica Walker, María Alvarez, Jason Zencka, Edward Sambrano III, and Kyle Williams.

****Night 2 Bread Loaf Scholars:  Shuchi Saraswat, Soleil David, Jodie Vinson, Oluwabambi Ige, El Williams III, and Samuel Cheney.



8/17/22- Welcome by Jennifer Grotz with Laurie Patton; Reading by Ilya Kaminsky

Lecture by Carl Phillips, “It Gets Wilder: On the Writing Life”

8/18/22- Readings by Natasha Rao, Sequoia Nagamatsu, and Shara Lessley

8/18/22- Readings by Elizabeth Nunez and Mark Wunderlich

8/19/22- Lecture by Stacey D’Erasmo, “The Long Run: Some Notes on Duration”

8/19/22- Lecture by Kamran Javadizadeh, “The Hot Breath of the Graduate School”

8/19/22- Readings by Dolen Perkins-Valdez and Melissa Febos

8/19/22- Readings by Jennifer Grotz and Laila Lalami

8/19/22- Scholar Readings, Night 1 of 2*

8/20/22- Lecture by Craig Morgan Teicher, “What is Prose? What is Poetry?”

8/20/22- Lecture by Ilya Kaminsky

8/20/22- Readings by Gabrielle Calvocoressi and Maurice Carlos Ruffin

8/20/22- Scholar Readings, Night 2 of 2**

8/21/22- Lecture by Laila Lalami, “Ways of Seeing: Modulations in Point of View”

8/21/22- Readings by Cara Blue Adams, Nawaaz Ahmed, and Peter Turchi

8/21/22- Reading by Rebecca Makkai

8/22/22- Lecture by Elizabeth Nunez, “Jane Austen and Me: A Complicated Love Affair”

8/22/22- Readings by Chelsea B. DesAutels, Paul Lisicky, and Xhenet Aliu

8/22/22- Readings by Charles Baxter and francine j. harris

8/22/22- Administrative Staff Scholar Readings, Night 1 of 2***

8/23/22- Lecture by Mark Wunderlich, “Rilke and the Posthumous Voice”

8/23/22- Readings by Ayse Papatya Bucak, Robert W. Fieseler, and Stacey D’Erasmo

8/23/22- Reading by Mitchell S. Jackson

8/23/22- Administrative Staff Scholar Readings, Night 2 of 2****

8/24/22- Lecture by Dolen Perkins-Valdez, “A Writer’s Roots”

8/24/22- Readings by William Brewer, Omar Friedlander, Julia Phillips, and Chet’la Sebree

8/25/22- Lecture by Melissa Febos, “In Praise of the Confessional”

8/25/22- Readings by Emma Copley Eisenberg, Samantha Silva, and Keith Wilson

8/25/22- Reading by Lauren Francis-Sharma

8/26/22- Lecture by Charles Baxter, “We Were Strangers: The Stranger and Strangeness as Fictional Necessities”

8/26/22- Readings by Lara Ehrlich, Rachel Mannheimer, Kathryn Savage, and Taymour Soomro

8/26/22- Reading by Alexander Chee and Carl Phillips

*Night 1 Scholars: Karleigh Brogan, Kirtan Nautiyal, Christian Gullette, Mary Terrier, Tochukwu Okafor, Kit Haggard, Samyak Shertok, Emily Lee Luan, Katerina Ivanov Prado, Helene Achanzar, Jim Whiteside, Noah Baldino

*Night 2 Scholars: Fay Dillof, Pritha Bhattacharyya, Tom Renjilian, Leslie Bazzett, Asha Thanki, Kim Coleman Foote, Dāshaun Washington, Alissa Morgan, JP Grasser, Matt Morris, Jung Hae Chae, Jemimah Wei, Felicity Sheehy

*Night 1 Administrative Staff Scholars: Annie Schumacher, Megan Pinto, Caroline Beimford, Sebastian Merrill, Caitlin McGill, Sebastián Páramo, Jon Sargent, Samuel Cheney, Angela Boyd, SM Stubbs

*Night 2 Administrative Staff Scholars: Jennifer Funk, Jason Lamb, Preeti Parikh, Suhail Mandani, Rowan Sharp, Adrienne Chung, Dolapo Demuren, Phil SaintDenisSanchez, Zoë Ruiz


8/14/19- Welcome by Jennifer Grotz, with Middlebury College Laurie L. Patton; Reading by Stacey D’Erasmo

8/15/19- Lecture by Rick Barot, “The Face of the Beloved”

8/15/19- Readings by Richie Hofmann, Alex Marzano-Lesnevich, and Ana Menéndez

8/15/19- Readings by Alexander Chee and Mary Szybist

8/16/19- Lecture by Maud Casey, “Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend: The Sound of Silence in Fiction”

8/16/19- Readings by Chip Cheek, Brad Felver, Shivanee Ramlochan, and Ingrid Rojas Contreras

8/16/19- Readings by Christina García and Matthew Olzmann

8/17/19- Lecture by Jericho Brown, “Faith in the Now: Some Notes on Poetry and Immortality”

8/17/19- Readings by Zalika Reid-Benta, Emily Jungmin Yoon, and Liam Callanan

8/17/19- Readings by Jennifer Grotz and Michael Parker

8/17/19- Work-study Scholar Readings (night 1 of 2)*

8/18/19- Lecture by Liam Callanan, “Invisible Characters, Black Holes, and the Astrophysics of Fiction: an Introduction”

8/18/19- Reading by Ilya Kaminsky

8/18/19- Readings by Shara Lessley, Lauren Markham, and Ravi Howard

8/18/19- Readings by Rick Barot and Aminatta Forna

8/19/19- Scholar Reading*

8/19/19- Readings by Jesse Donaldson, Lauren Francis-Sharma, and A.E. Stallings

8/19/19- Work-study Scholar Readings (night 2 of 2)*

8/20/19- Lecture by Matthew Olzmann, “A Room within a Room: Imagined Interiors”

8/20/19- Readings by R.O. Kwon, Dustin Pearson, Deepak Unnikrishnan (Due to technical issues with the original file,  this audio was recorded later in the conference.)

8/20/19- Readings by Maud Casey and Vievee Francis

8/20/19- Administrative Staff Scholar Reading*

8/21/19- Lecture by Ravi Howard, “Countermelodies: How Race and History Shape the Interior Voice”

8/21/19- Readings by Yusef Komunyakaa and Kevin Young

8/21/19- Readings by Tyler Mills, Zeyn Joukhadar, and Jennifer Finney Boylan

8/22/19- Lecture by Mary Szybist, “The Spell of Echo”

8/22/19- Readings by Amy Bonnaffons, Liz Harmer, and Michael Shewmaker

8/22/19- Readings by Reyna Grande and Sally Keith

8/23/19- Lecture by Alexander Chee, “Point of View and Point of Telling in James Baldwin’s Go Tell it on the Mountain

8/23/19- Readings by Matthew Lansburgh, Camille Rankine, and Don Lee

8/23/19- Readings by Jericho Brown and Christopher Castellani

*Those included in the scholar, work-study scholar, and administrative staff scholar readings are as follows:

Scholar Reading: Celeste Chan, Laura Goode, Amanda Hawkins, Roohi Choudhry, Irvin Weathersby, Armen Davoudian, Benjamin Schaefer, Jennifer Bowen Hicks, Callie Siskel, Uche Okonkwo, S. Erin Batiste, Mike Alberti, Paul Tran, Sindya BhanooMichael Torres, Gabriela Garcia, Jennifer Stock

Work-Study Scholar Reading #1: Belinda Huijuan Tang, Ricardo Herrera Bandrich, Caleb Nolen, Adrienne Chung, Angela Boyd, Omer Friedlander, Emily Luan, Annesha Sengupta, De’Shawn Charles Winslow, Annie Schumacher, Michael Dhyne, Dujie Tahat, Dan Ryan

Work-Study Scholar Reading #2: Kailyn McCord, Gerardo Sámano Córdova, Megan Pinto, Katie Rice, Joseph Earl Thomas, Drew Coles, Samuel Cheney, Wes Holtermann, James Fujinami Moore, Jessie Shabin, Janet Barrow, Taneum Bambrick

Administrative Scholar Reading: Gabrielle Bates, Caroline Beimford, Noah Bogdonoff, Katie Condon, Sara Freeman, Dolapo Demuren, Caitlin McGill, Jennifer Funk, Jason Lamb, Elisa Gonzalez, Zoë Ruiz, Sebastian Hasani Páramo, Noah Stetzer


8/15/18- Welcome by Jennifer Grotz; Reading by A. Van Jordan

8/16/18- Lecture by Stephanie Burt, “When Are Poems Songs, and When Are Songs Poems, and Why Do We Even Care?”

8/16/18- Readings by Lauren Francis-Sharma and Patrick Phillips

8/16/18- Reading by Samantha Hunt 

8/17/18- Lecture by Akhil Sharma, “Ask Yourself: What Am I Talking About?”

8/17/18- Readings by Julie Buntin, Geffrey Davis, and Cutter Wood

8/17/18- Readings by Laura van den Berg and Monica Youn

8/17/18- Bread Loaf Scholar Readings*

8/18/18- Lecture by Ange Mlinko, “Poetry as Expatriated Language”

8/18/18- Readings by Jenny George, Renee Simms, and Josh Weil

8/18/18- Readings by Michael Byers and Daisy Fried

8/18/18- Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #1*

8/19/18- Lecture by Christopher Castellani, “Inventing the Real”

8/19/18- Readings by Angela Pelster, Jacob Shores-Argüello, and Jenny Xie

8/19/18- Readings by Paisley Rekdal and C. Dale Young

8/20/18- Lecture by David Treuer, “Writing Culture–Some Thoughts on Difference, Appropriation, Politics, and Race in Modern Writing”

8/20/18- Readings by Christopher Castellani and Jennifer Grotz

8/20/18- Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #2*

8/21/18- Lecture by Patrick Phillips, “Facing It: On the History of Home”

8/21/18- Readings by Kristen Iskandrian, Alicia Jo Rabins, and Siamak Vossoughi

8/21/18- Readings by Mat Johnson and Alix Ohlin

8/21/18- Bread Loaf Staff Readings*

8/22/18- Lecture by Paisley Rekdal, “The Erotic Wounds of War: Homoerotic War Poetry from Drum Taps to Music for Porn

8/22/18- Readings by Hernán Díaz, Gabe Habash, and Ange Mlinko

8/23/18- Lecture by Michael Byers, “A Failure of Optimism: The Strange Case of Jack Webb, Squarest Man in America”

8/23/18- Readings by William Brewer, Kirstin Valdez Quade, and Jennifer Tseng

8/23/18- Readings by Tania James and David Treuer

8/24/18- Lecture by Monica Youn, “Generative Revision: Beyond the Zero-Sum Game”

8/24/18- Readings by Clare Beams, Francisco Cantú, and Stephanie Burt

8/24/18- Readings by Akhil Sharma and Tiphanie Yanique

*Those included in the tuition scholar, waiter, and staff readings are as follows:

Bread Loaf Scholar Readings include Liz Arnold, Joy Baglio, Elizabeth Brina, Simon Han, Niki Herd, Taylor Johnson, Steven Kleinman, Clarence Orsi, Alison Rollins, Mariya Taher, Yuki Tanaka, Devon Walker-Figueroa, and Aggie Zivaljevic.

Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #1 include Noah Bogdonoff, Daphne Palasi Andreades, Afua Ansong, Vince Granata, Sebastian Paramo, Taylor Koekkoek, Mary South, Taneum Bambrick, Morgan Thomas, Laurie Thomas, Dylan Weir, and De’Shawn Winslow.

Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #2 include Alex McElroy, Dolapo Demuren, Zoë Ruiz, Rachel Mannheimer, Jaime Lalinde, Erica Berry, Josha Jay Nathan, Michaela Cowgill, Jonathan Escoffery, Grace You Li, ‘Pemi Aguda, and Anne Price.

Bread Loaf Staff Reading includes Eric McMillan, Noah Stetzer, Maud Streep, Gabrielle Bates, Caitlin McGill, Jennifer Funk, Sara Freeman, Madeline Beach Carey, Kenyatta Rogers, Caroline Beimford, Conor Burke, Koye Oyedeji, Jason Lamb, Sara Burnett, Elisa Gonzalez, Jamel Brinkley, and David Hutcheson.


8/16/17- Welcome by Middlebury College President Laurie L. Patton and Conference Director Michael Collier, Readings by Lauren Groff and Edward Hirsch

8/17/17- Lecture by Garrett Hongo, “The Mirror Diary: Ancestry and the Absence of an Archive”

8/17/17- Readings by Marianne Boruch, Jericho Brown, and Elena Passarello

8/17/17- Readings by Charles Baxter and Ellen Bryant Voigt

8/18/17- Lecture by Eavan Boland, “From Object to Image”

8/18/17- Bread Loaf Scholar Readings*

8/18/17- Readings by Lesley Nneka Arimah, Natashia Deón, Maeve Kinkead, and Kristen Radtke

8/18/17- Reading by Helena María Viramontes

8/19/17- Lecture by Carl Phillips, “Toward a Politics of Mere Being”

8/19/17- Readings by Xhenet Aliu, Mauro Javier Cardenas, Matt Gallagher, and Jenny Johnson

8/19/17- Readings by Peter Ho Davies and Garrett Hongo

8/19/17- Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #1*

8/20/17- Lecture by Charles Baxter, “Things about to Disappear: The Writer as Curator”

8/20/17- Readings by Gary Hawkins, Stacey D’Erasmo, and Ann Hood

8/20/17- Readings by Eavan Boland and Randall Kenan

8/21/17- Lecture by Peter Ho Davies, “Playing with Fire”

8/21/17- Reading Carl Phillips

8/21/17- Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #2*

8/22/17- Lecture by Edward Hirsch, “What Is the Task?: On Lyric Poetry”

8/22/17- Readings by Rick Barot, Emma Cline, and David Shields

8/22/17- Readings by Christopher Castellani and Sally Keith

8/22/17- Bread Loaf Staff Reading #1*

8/23/17- Lecture by Ann Hood, “Why Read?”

8/23/17- Readings by Kia Corthron, Phillip B. Williams, and Luis Alberto Urrea

8/24/17- Lecture by Rick Barot, “The Authentic Voice”

8/24/17- Readings by francine j. harris, Vanessa Hua, and Maud Casey

8/24/17- Readings by Robert Cohen and Jennifer Grotz

8/24/17- Bread Loaf Staff Readings #2*

8/25/17- Lecture by David Shields, “Life is Short; Art is Shorter: In Praise of Brevity”

8/25/17- Readings by Jennifer Foerster, Allegra Hyde, Mike Scalise, and Rion Scott

8/25/17- Reading by Michael Collier

*Those included in the tuition scholar, waiter, and staff readings are as follows:

Bread Loaf Scholar Readings include A. H. Jerriod Avant,  Jennifer Hope Choi, Tiana Clark, Lydia Conklin, Jaquira Diaz, Meghan Dunn, Jamie Figueroa, Edgar Kunz, Sonya Larson, Janice Obuchowski, Alan Rossi, Aurvi Sharma, William Pei Shih, Michael Weinstein, Annie Woodford, and Jenny Xie.

Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #1 include Kendra Atleework, Sarah Colwill-Brown, Kyle Dacuyan, Carla Diaz, Jennifer Funk, Ben Hinshaw, Francisco Marquez, Koye Oyedeji, Jayme Ringleb, Charles Schneider, De’Shawn Winslow, and Pam Zhang.

Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #2 include Ralph Bousquet, Amir Adam, Moeko Fujii, Eli Cohen, Mariama J. Lockington, David Hutcheson, Elisse Ota, Casandra Lopez, Frederick McKindra, Cheswayo Mphanza, Sara Freeman, and Anne Price.

Bread Loaf Staff Reading #1 include Matthew Kelsey, Jamel Brinkley, Noah Stetzer, Katie Moulton, Conor Burke, Gabrielle Bates, Shubha Sunder, Sam Ross, and Justin Boening.

Bread Loaf Staff Reading #2 include Jason Lamb, Kenyatta Rogers, Margaret Ross, Alice Sola Kim, Jennifer S. Cheng, Maud Streep, LaToya Watkins, and Eric McMillan.


The following list includes all recordings that Bread Loaf has permission to post.

8/10/16 – Welcome by Michael Collier, Readings by Jane Hirshfield and Yiyun Li

8/11/16 – Reading by Alexander Chee, Solmaz Sharif, and Jane Brox

8/11/16 – Readings by Kate Daniels and Percival Everett

8/12/16 – Readings by Michael Ruhlman, Wendy S. Walters, and Sasha West

8/12/16 – Readings by A. Van Jordan and David Shields

8/12/16 – Bread Loaf Tuition Scholar Readings*

8/13/16 – Lecture by James Longenbach, “Image, Figure, Sound: The Poetic Medium”

8/13/16 – Readings by Garth Greenwell, Matthew Olzmann, and Hasanthika Sirisena

8/13/16 – Readings by Laila Lalami and Alan Shapiro

8/13/16 – Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #1*

8/14/16 – Readings by Ted Genoways and Safiya Sinclair

8/14/16 – Remarks by Laurie Patton, Readings by Carl Phillips and Joanna Scott

8/15/16 – Lecture by Jane Hirshfield, “Pocketable Breviaries”

8/15/16 – Reading by Jennifer Grotz

8/15/16 – Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #2*

8/16/16 – Lecture by David Shields, “When You Worship Your Teacher, You Remain a Student: A Self Incriminating Parable”

8/16/16 – Readings by Rickey Laurentiis, Matthew Neill Null

8/16/16 – Readings by James Longenbach and Laura van den Berg

8/16/16 – Bread Loaf Staff Readings #1*

8/17/16 – Lecture by Joanna Scott, “Stopping What We Start: On Endings in Narrative”

8/17/16 – Readings by Katy Didden, Kaitlyn Greenidge, and Luis Alberto Urrea

8/18/16 – Lecture by Kate Daniels, “Slow Fuse of the Possible: On Poetry and Psychoanalysis”

8/18/16 – Readings by Naomi Jackson, Angela Palm, and Benjamin Percy

8/18/16 – Readings by Thomas Mallon and Natasha Trethewey

8/18/16 – Bread Loaf Staff Readings #2*

8/19/16 – Lecture by Yiyun Li, “Tolstoy’s Thousand Eyes: What We Can Learn from War and Peace

8/19/16 – Readings by Mia Alvar, Antonio Ruiz-Camacho, and Matthew Minicucci

8/19/16 – Reading by Michael Collier

*Those included in the tuition scholar, waiter, and staff readings are as follows:

Bread Loaf Tuition Scholar Readings include Graham Barnhart, Gabrielle Lucille Fuentes, Matt Morton, Jennifer Lunden, Erin Adair-Hodges, Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich, Hai-Dang Phan, Leticia Del Toro, Sarah Dohrmann, Chris Drangle, and Cam Terwilliger

Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #1 include Benjamin Aleshire, Caroline Beimford, Sam Sax, Rita Bullwinkel, Svetlana Beggs, Eric McMillan, Carina del Valle Schorske, Sumita Mukherji, Andrés Cerpa, Caitlin McGill, Jean Ho, Kenyatta Rogers, and Kawai Washburn

Bread Loaf Waiter Readings #2 include Hannah Fries, Koye Oyedeji, Gabrielle Bates, Francisco Cantú, Michael Badger, Anne Price, Madeline Beach Carey, Joseph Capista, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, Jennifer S. Cheng, Skye Davis, Elisa Gonzalez, and Kathryn Savage

Bread Loaf Staff Readings #1 include Rosalie Moffett, Maud Streep, Matthew Kelsey, Katie Moulton, Sam Ross, Shubha Sunder, Tyler Goldman, Alice Sola Kim, and Margaret Ross

Bread Loaf Staff Readings #2 include Justin Boening, Noah Stetzer, Jason Lamb, Conor Burke, Jamel Brinkley, Sara Burnett, Leah Bailly, and Steven Kleinman