Health & Wellness Education offers several appointment types to connect with students individually and in group settings on different wellness topics.

Appointments that can be Scheduled by Email:

Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Educational Sanctions

The following list includes all of the one-on-one AOD appointment titles and topics. For example, BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) is the sanction title, and alcohol is the course focus.

  • BASICS, alcohol
  • CASICS, cannabis
  • My Story, all substances
  • TobaccoEd, nicotine & tobacco
  • PsychEd, psychedelics 

For information about AOD Educational Sanctions, please review our Educational Offerings. For questions, or to schedule an appointment, please email

Health Coaching

Health coaching involves health educators supporting students as they set goals, name challenges, explore their values & strengths, and access personal motivations to develop and sustain healthy behaviors and attitudes. Students can schedule up to two follow up appointments with a health educator for a total of three coaching sessions per health issue. For more information, visit our Health Coaching page. To schedule an appointment, please email

Appointments that can be Scheduled through Microsoft Bookings:

Alcohol and Other Drug Educational Sanctions (group programs)

The following list includes all of the AOD group appointment titles and topics. For example, CHOICES is the sanction title, and alcohol is the course focus.

  • CHOICES, alcohol
  • CannabisEd, cannabis
AOD Group Sanction Bookings