The Feminist Resource Center serves as an informational, educational, and cultural resource for the students, staff, and faculty at Middlebury.
Chellis House, the epicenter of extracurricular activity for our vibrant program, is located on 56 Hillcrest Road, right behind Proctor Dining Hall. Please come by and visit us! Read about our history.

Alison Fraker Library
The Feminist Resource Center is also home to the Alison Fraker Library, an architectural gem of a reading room filled with materials relating to feminist issues, sexuality, and gender studies. Our fine collection of books includes first editions of Alison Bechdel’s comics and Our Bodies, Ourselves, as well as works by faculty authors Julia Alvarez and Laurie Essig. The library is open to students, staff, and faculty and offers a quiet place to study and a computer.
Our Spaces
By serving as an educational and cultural resource, Chellis House aims to provide a forum for the advancement of feminist issues at Middlebury College.
Various organizations use the space for meetings, workshops, and social activities, among them Feminist Action at Middlebury (FAM), It Happens Here, and the Sister-to-Sister and Brother-to-Brother Programs.
The Living Room
The Mary Smyth Duffy living room is an ideal location for small events and meetings. Some students have also been known to take a restorative nap on the sofas in front of the fireplace, below Kamakshi Murti’s triptych The End of Patriarchy. Our popular Life of the Mind lecture series, poetry readings, and organizational meetings take place here as well. The living room is fully equipped to host small film screenings. Students also gather here to study, chat, or have coffee with friends. Chellis House is open to students until 11 p.m.
The Library
The Alison Gwen Fraker Reading Room is located directly adjacent to the living room downstairs. It holds our collection of books on feminist, sexuality, and gender studies, as well as an archive of feminist activity at Middlebury.
The Deck
Our best kept secret is our deck. Weather permitting, we gather on the deck to have lunch or relax in the backyard. An annual highlight is the Feminists of the Year Award ceremony, which takes place during our lively, artistic “Chell-ebration” after the last day of classes in May.
Helpful Links
National Feminist Organizations
- https://womensmarch.com
- https://feminist.org
- https://nwlc.org
- Ms. Foundation
- https://www.aauw.org
- https://www.hermana.org
Social Justice Organizations (Vermont)
- Advancing Women, Powering the Economy
- https://www.pjcvt.org
- https://www.blmgb.org
- https://naacprutland.org/blog
International and Transnational Organizations
- https://www.awid.org
- https://www.cwgl.rutgers.edu
- https://www.globalfundforwomen.org
- https://wedo.org
- https://wilpfus.org
Feminist Media
- https://jezebel.com
- http://feministing.com
- http://www.bgdblog.org
- https://wearethemeteor.com
- https://www.autostraddle.com
- https://www.bitchmedia.org/
- https://thebodyisnotanapology.com
- http://www.forharriet.com/#axzz44yuBRqIr
- https://crunkfeministcollective.wordpress.com
Feminist Art
For Girls*
Health and Reproductive Justice
- http://www.nativeshop.org
- https://trustblackwomen.org
- https://www.plannedparenthood.org
- https://www.sistersong.net
- https://www.prochoiceamerica.org
- https://tarshi.net
- https://www.guttmacher.org
Sexual Violence Prevention
- https://www.rainn.org/resources
- https://www.atriavt.org
- https://vtnetwork.org
- https://www.ihollaback.org