A non-exhaustive list of helpful resources related to the 2021 “Radical Implications: Facing a Planetary Emergency” Clifford Symposium.
From Our Guest Speakers
- May Boeve, Jeremy Osborn, Phil Aroneanu, Kelly Blynn, Jon Warnow, Will Bates, Jamie Henn
- Sarah Jaquette Ray
- adrienne maree brown
- Jane McAlevey
- Mary Annaïse Heglar
- We Can’t Tackle Climate Change WIthout You
- Home Is Always Worth It
- But the Greatest of These is Love
- In A Shrinking World, What Will We Pass On To Our Children?
- The big lie we’re told about climate change is that it’s our own fault
- Climate Change Isn’t the First Existential Threat
- Hot Take podcast and newsletter.
- Julian Brave Noisecat
Middlebury faculty/community
- Bill McKibben
- Dr. Carolyn Finney
- Black faces, white spaces : reimagining the relationship of African Americans to the great outdoors.
- The Space between the Words
- What’s Race Got to Do with It? Climate Change, Privilege, and Consciousness. Whole Thinking Journal, (4), 20–25.
- Brave new world? Ruminations on race in the twenty-first century. Antipode, 46(5), 1277–1284.
Related Events
- Oct 6, 7-8:30pm: “Engaged Listening Project: The Path to Climate Justice is Local” with Elizabeth Yeampierre
- Oct 14, 12:30pm: “Environmental Justice in Vermont: Challenges and Opportunities in a Rural Context” by Kesha Ram Hinsdale, Vermont State Senator
- October (throughout): New Perennials Harvest Days
- Oct. 18, 19 and 26: Renewable Energy Vermont Conference: “Climate Action, Equity and Resilience”
- Sept. 21-Nov. 30: MIIS Environmental Justice & Sustainability Webinar series
Campus Resources and Programs
- Exploring Careers in the Green Economy MiddVantage Interview Series
- Fall Exhibition: Art and Protest: Artists as Agents of Social Change
- Middlebury College Museum of Art, Mahaney Arts Center
- This exhibition features art created to shed light on injustice and inequity, challenge hierarchies, and advocate for social progress. It aims to offer a sense of the breadth and depth that protest art encompasses—and includes environmental works by the Guerrilla Girls, George Osodi, Swoon, James Balog, and Frans Krajcberg.
- Learn more about the exhibition (and how to book a free, required reservation to visit the Museum) here. Thank you for understanding that only Middlebury College students, faculty, and staff approved to be on campus can visit the Museum at this time. Can’t visit in person? Stay updated on associated virtual events and changes to museum access policies at
- Middlebury California Climate Semester
- In the California Climate Semester, students spend the winter and spring at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey learning from climate leaders at the graduate level. After an introduction to the climate issues of California, students will take an experiential learning course as well as electives from MIIS’ International Environmental Policy degree program, including environmental history, environmental justice, ocean and coastal economics, renewable energy and policy, and land use planning.
- Middlebury School of the Environment
- The Middlebury School of the Environment is an intensive summer program in Yunnan, China, known for its bio-cultural diversity. The program combines both traditional coursework and leadership training to help students prepare themselves to become agents of positive change in the world. Students take three courses over the six weeks and learn about community-based sustainability initiatives through fieldwork and workshops with international environmental organizations.
Community Resources
- State level
- County / Town level
- Upcoming planning docs / processes to engage with
- Climate Economy Action Center of Add. Co.’s Climate Action Plan
- Statewide Climate Council report / plan (due December)
- Statewide Comprehensive Energy Plan (due December)
- Town of Middlebury Energy Planning Process
- Celebration of Acorn Energy Co-op’s third community solar array on Bristol landfill (Town of Midd selectboard and australian ballot votes approved town buying into array)
- Solar array being installed on town ice rink
- Conversations around methane digester / net-metering project at Middlebury WasteWater Treatment plant
- Communicating Climate Change: Mobilizing Behavior Change / Michael Shank. Howard E. Woodin Colloquium Series Lecture at Middlebury College, February 20, 2020.
- Climate struggle : a working class strategy for the climate movement / Matt Huber. Howard E. Woodin Colloquium Series Lecture at Middlebury College, November 21, 2019.
- Art in the age of planetary distress / Karen McCoy. Howard E. Woodin Colloquium Series Lecture at Middlebury College, October 10, 2019.
- Do the Math : Bill McKibben and the Fight Over Climate Change Streaming via Kanopy Requires Midd login.
- Not Without Us: Grassroots Activists Demonstrate at the United Nations’ Climate Talks Streaming via Kanopy Requires Midd login.
- This changes everything (based on Naomi Klein’s book) DVD Collection - Davis Family Library HC79.E5 T48 2015D
Climate Change Fiction
- Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors (judged by adrienne maree brown)
- Kim Stanley Robinson’s Ministry for the Future “Science in the Capital” trilogy.
- Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Seed and Parable of the Talents
- Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood
- Lydia Millett’s The Children’s Bible
- Doris Lessing’s Mara and Dann
- TC Boyle’s A Friend of the Earth
- Marcel Theroux’s Far North
- CA Fletcher’s A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World