Declaring Your Fall 21 Intentions
| by Derek Doucet and Jeff Cason
Dear Students and Families,
As the end of the spring 2021 semester approaches, we are looking ahead to next fall. Since our earlier announcement about fall planning, we have grown steadily more optimistic about the fall semester. We anticipate we will have a fully vaccinated campus by that time, which will allow us to return to a much more normal experience, including in-person classes, a vibrant social life, and athletics. We expect a large number of students will return to campus and must begin planning for this exciting prospect now. We are therefore writing to provide instructions for declaring your fall 2021 intentions.
We need to know your fall semester plans by May 21. This is a firm deadline. Please carefully read the options below to ensure you take the steps applicable to you.
Students Presently Enrolled as In-Person or Remote Learners
If you are presently enrolled, and intend to return to campus in the fall, no additional action is necessary, although you are strongly advised to read the “Housing Cancellation Fee” section of this message below, as it does apply to you.
If you intend to take a Leave of Absence for fall 2021, contact your student life dean no later than May 21 to declare this intention.
If you intend to request remote status for fall 2021, please complete the Fall 2021 Request for Remote Status form no later than May 21. Note that remote status requires approval and is not guaranteed. Decisions on requests for remote status will be communicated after the May 21 deadline. Students not approved for remote status will then have the option of selecting another status (in-person enrollment or a leave of absence).
Students Presently on Leave of Absence
Review your Leave of Absence letter now to confirm if there are conditions attached to your return, and if there is an anticipated return date listed.
If you wish to return for fall 2021, no conditions are listed, and your anticipated return date is listed as fall 2021, please complete this form and select “Student” and then “Return from Leave of Absence” in the “Student Report Type” field, no later than May 21. Additional instructions about how to complete this form can be found under the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the Student Life Dean homepage. You are also strongly advised to review the Housing Cancellation Fee section below, because it applies to you.
If you have already received an official letter confirming your return, you do not need to complete the form above, as your return has already been approved.
If you are presently on a leave of absence with return conditions, or if there is no anticipated return date listed on your letter, and you wish to return for fall 2021, you must first obtain permission from your student life dean. Contact them immediately. Do not complete the form above without contacting your student life dean, and do not wait to take action, as we will not be able to extend the May 21 deadline. You are also strongly advised to review the Housing Cancellation Fee section below, as it applies to you.
If you are presently on a leave of absence of any type and wish to continue that leave, please complete this form and indicate “Student” and then “Continuation of Leave of Absence” in the “Student Report Type” field.
Note that if you are presently on any type of leave of absence and do not take one of the steps above by May 21, your leave of absence will automatically be extended through the fall 2021 semester and winter 2022 term. This extension will not be reversible after May 21.
Housing Cancellation Fee
If you declare your intention to return to campus housing in the fall 2021 semester and subsequently change your decision before the first day of classes and take a leave of absence or are approved to study remotely, a housing cancellation fee of $1150 will be applied to your student account. Completing one of the return from leave of absence processes above, or, for students presently enrolled, not indicating your intention to take a leave of absence by May 21, will be considered declaring your intention to return. For leaves taken or switches to remote status made after the first day of classes, the date of your leave of absence or campus departure will determine if you are eligible for a refund for the room and board fee as published on our website.
Incoming New Students
New students are expected to reply to the Admissions Office’s offer of admission by May 7. After making their deposit and securing their place in the incoming class, new students will hear from the MiddView Orientation team about next steps.
Students Presently Enrolled to Study Abroad in the Fall Semester
If you have committed to studying abroad in the fall semester, you have already been placed on leave from the Middlebury campus. As noted in your approval letter to study abroad, you have until June 15 to reenroll at Middlebury for the fall semester. This means that you are not required to declare your intention to return by May 21.
The Middlebury Schools Abroad have established dates by when any cancellations will be announced. Should your study abroad program be cancelled after the June 15 reenrollment deadline, Middlebury will allow you to reenroll for the fall semester. If you decide to forgo your study abroad plans after the June 15 deadline, you will, if space permits, be placed in the summer draw for housing, which the College anticipates running in early August. A housing waiting list might also be necessary, and course registration would occur during the add/drop period.
If after cancellation of your study abroad program you declare your intention to return to campus for the fall 2021 semester and then later change your status to a leave of absence or remote instruction, you are subject to the Housing Cancellation Fee described above. Please direct study abroad related questions to
International Students
We recognize the uncertainty inherent in travel restrictions and visa availability right now. If you declare your intention to return by the May 21 deadline, and then due to governmental travel restrictions or COVID-related visa problems you are unable to do so, your Housing Cancellation Fee will be waived. Please direct international student related questions to
We hope that the spring semester finishes up well for those of you currently enrolled and look forward to an excellent fall.
Derek Doucet
Dean of Students
Jeff Cason