Travel and Transportation
Health conditions on campus and in the region may impact off-campus travel and activities during summer 2021. Current travel restrictions will be updated on the Campus Status web page.
Institutional Travel
Institutional travel will be restricted during summer 2021. Depending on public health conditions on campus and beyond, it may be possible to allow limited exceptions to this restriction on a case-by-case basis (e.g., grant-supported travel for faculty) with approval from the appropriate vice president. College vehicle rentals may be used for limited travel for academic purposes if public health conditions allow and if approved by the department vice president.
International Travel
Middlebury-sponsored international travel for faculty, staff, and students will resume on August 15, 2021. Travel will be permitted under the rules of the international travel policy. Travelers should be attentive to the COVID-19 situation in their destination and are subject to all host country travel restrictions and quarantine requirements. Faculty and staff should also be mindful that current budgets may not support previous levels of institutional travel.
College Transportation
MiddRides will not be available; only emergency transportation will be provided by Public Safety.
Personal Travel—Individuals Living on Campus
Travel off campus increases the risk of potential exposure. Health conditions on campus and in Addison County may impact off-campus activities. Students and employees living on campus should consult the Campus Status web page for the most up-to-date travel restrictions.
Personal Travel—Employees Living off Campus
Faculty and staff must follow Vermont requirements for travel.