Burn Permit

Outdoor fires may be approved for the Atwater Dining outdoor fireplace and The Knoll (Organic Farm) in Cornwall.  Outside burning in other locations requires advance review and approval from Middlebury College and the Town of Middlebury.

The location must be reserved and Middlebury College Burn Permit approvals must be obtained in advance of the event.  Please note that approval is contingent on weather conditions (such as high wind or dry conditions), which may require cancellation of a permit the day of the event.

The Middlebury College Burn Permit details requirements for outdoor fires and approvals needed.

Crowd Manager

Middlebury College has adopted the Crowd Manager program in accordance with the State of Vermont requirements under the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code section 13.7.5.

Under this provision all assembly occupancies, that is any occupancy greater than 50 people, shall be provided with a minimum of one trained crowd manager or crowd manager supervisor. Where the occupant load exceeds 250, additional crowd managers shall be provided at a ratio of one crowd manager/supervisor for every 250 occupants unless otherwise permitted by the following:

  • This requirement shall not apply to assembly occupancy used exclusively for religious worship with an occupant load not exceeding 2000.
  • The ratio of trained crowd managers to occupants shall be permitted to be reduced where, in the opinion of the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), the existence of an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system and the nature of the event warrant. For the purpose of this document the AHJ would be a State of Vermont Fire Marshal or his/her designee.
  • This requirement shall not apply to assembly occupancy in College classrooms where used for nonpublic events (example: an academic class session with students only, or team practices that are for the teams only).

In addition to the regulatory requirements Middlebury College requires the presence of a trained Crowd Manager during any open fire on campus. Get details regarding burn permits and open fires on campus by contacting Events Management, Public Safety or the EHS Department. 


Employees (including student employees) can access the Crowd Manager Training in the Oracle Learn module by searching the course catalog for “Crowd Manager Training”.

Students can access the Crowd Manager Training in the Vector Solution training system by searching the course library for ‘Crowd Manager Training”. 

Anyone approved by the College may take the training and be certified. The certification would be valid for a period of three (3) years. The individual would then have to retake the online training for recertification. IF you think you have completed the Crowd Manager Training but do not have access to your records please contact the EHS department to verify your training status.

Event organizers wishing to hire an available and trained student crowd manager(s) can access a live database for an upcoming event by clicking HERE. The organizer will be responsible for contacting, hiring and ensuring the required Crowd Manager activities are completed by a trained and certified Crowd Manager. 

Event Inspections

The crowd manager or other approved individual shall inspect the means of egress to ensure it is maintained free of obstructions, and correct any deficiencies found, prior to each opening of the building to the public for the event. This must be done prior to and during each event. 

The crowd manager or other approved individual shall prepare and maintain records of the date and time of each inspection using the Crowd Manager Inspection Form, listing any deficiencies found and actions taken to correct them. These forms will be returned to the Environmental Health and Safety Office at the conclusion of the event by emailing the completed form to crowdmanager@middlebury.edu

Fire Extinguishers

In the event of a fire, follow campus emergency protocols for a fire incident and safely evacuate the building. Portable fire extinguishers are placed throughout campus buildings for the use by trained employees or as a life-saving tool to assist with evacuation.

This training video developed by the Fire Equipment Manufacturer’s Association provides information about how to safely use a portable fire extinguisher.

Residential Fire Safety

Residential Life Policies found in the Middlebury handbook detail fire safety regulations that are in place to protect life safety and prevent property damage.

Any violation of fire safety regulations will result in a fine. Contact Residential Life or the Department of Public Safety with questions about residential fire safety regulations and fire safety inspections.