Special Projects
Updated Lightning Detection Alert System
For several years members of the Middlebury community have recognized the telltale alert system warning the community of impending weather conditions capable of producing dangerous lightning. This communication is to inform the larger community that the College has embarked on a project to upgrade and increase that system’s capabilities.
To modernize and provide additional protection to the College community, as well as the larger Middlebury town community, the updated system will cover a wider area and be more powerful. Additional coverage areas will include the newly refurbished softball and baseball stadiums and the upcoming tennis complex. In addition, coverage will be added to the center of campus and further West on Route 125, to include the Knoll. This system has historically been limited to the Ralph Myhre Golf course and athletic facilities.
What does this mean?
By mid-summer, members of the College and the larger community will hear the alerts from the newly installed alert system. The system will provide an audible alert indicating that a potentially dangerous lightning producing storm system is approaching the Middlebury area. A second set of horns will sound when the danger has passed.
It is the College’s intent to set sensible limits on the days and times the horns will operate. For example, the system may be silenced overnight unless the College has a significant outdoor event occurring during those hours.
What do I need to do?
If you are outdoors near campus and hear an alert, you should safety immediately stop what you are doing and seek shelter. The sound means that lightning has been detected and anyone outside could be in danger. A free app will be available so you can track how long until the “all clear” horns will sound indicating that the danger of lightning has passed.
Please check back for additional information on horn patterns, app availability and other important details will be updated as they become available.