Marc Lapin
Franklin Env Ctr-Hillcrest 216
(802) 443-3239
Office Hours
Spring 2024: 9-11 Wednesday & by appointment

Marc Lapin is Assistant Laboratory Professor of Environmental Studies at Middlebury College where his courses focus on the science of socioecological systems, land management, and conservation.  Marc is also the College Lands Ecologist, responsible for the conservation and stewardship of Middlebury’s six thousand acres of forest, wetland, and leased agricultural land. A consulting ecologist for nearly three decades, he has continued to work with state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, and private landowners. In both his college and consulting work, Marc utilizes expertise in ecosystem mapping, landscape ecology, conservation assessment and planning, and field botany to further land protection; he has been fortunate to have been involved in protection and conservation management of many thousands of acres.  Marc has worked extensively with Natural Heritage Programs and State and Federal Fish and Wildlife Departments in northern New England and New York, as well as with The Nature Conservancy, Vermont Land Trust, Native Plant Trust, Vermont Family Forests, and numerous local land trusts, town governments, and private landowners.  The ecological evaluation of Middlebury College’s lands conducted by Marc and ten college students laid the scientific foundation for the College’s Bread Loaf Conservation Project.